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Message 11 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

@RayP I think in an ideal setup, you could expect to achieve much improved results than what you are currently getting. But wi-fi performance can be impacted by lots of different factors, some of which would be unique to your setup, such as local interference, congestion on wi-fi bands etc.

I would have expected the BT discs to improve things, as that’s the whole point of them. But I have no experience with them, so can’t say.

I currently use the TP Link Deco M9 Plus, with three units. My house is a four bed, on two floors and was built 20 years ago, so walls, floors and ceilings are paper thin! My setup is one unit in the living room (main unit)  and one in the loft, which provides good coverage in the whole house and even speeds of 350 to 400 Mbps anywhere in the house, including the furthest corners I could get to. They are linked by wired (ethernet) backhaul as speeds were much less consistent when they are on wireless backhaul, even with the M9 model having the dedicated third wireless band for backhaul. The third unit is in the shed to provide coverage through the entire garden and that unit is on wireless backhaul to the living room unit and device speeds are around 100 to 120 Mbps when connected that unit.

As you have the spare TP Link router, if I were in your position, I would certainly give it a go and then at least you would know if it improves over the SH2 or not. 

Message 12 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

@Will168, after further tests this morning the wi-fi disk in the lounge is boosting the signal by around 5dB to around -45dB on the 5Ghz frequency. A strong signal I would suggest.

I swapped out the SH2 for my TP-Link Archer VR2800 but it can't connect to the internet. The settings must be different but despite searching for them I'm stuck. Do you know them please?

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Message 13 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

You need to configure the TP Link so that it is expecting an input on its WAN port rather than DSL port.

Set the operation mode to Wireless Router Mode rather than DSL Modem router mode.

The PPPoE settings will be the same username and BT password.

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Message 14 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

@licquorice, thanks. I don't suppose there's a step by step guide on how to do this? I'm a beginner when it comes to routers.

In the drop-down box it shows BT_VDSL (or something very similar) I presume I can't use that option.

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Message 15 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

Go to the Advanced tab and select Operation mode and then Wireless router mode.

Message 16 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

@licquorice, thanks. Found it on a YT video. I've changed that and the router rebooted. On the login screen do I use my existing login name and password.

Where do I enter the PPPoE settings of username and BT password.

Is the password BT?

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Message 17 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

You'll have to poke around in the settings for the PPPoE login and password are entered, I haven't got a VR2800. I was just using the online emulator but it isn't working after setting the operation mode unfortunately.

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Message 18 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

Sorted! @licquorice thank you very much for your patience and help.

@Will168I'll do some speed tests now that I have my TP-Link connected and  will report back later.

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Message 19 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

The TP-Link Archer VR2800 appears to send a less strong signal to the lounge. It’s around -53dB -around the same as the SH2 without the disc. The disc boosts it by 6dB to the mid -40s.

My smart TV shows a signal quality of around 70% with the TP-Link. With the SH2/disc it’s 100%. Same with an Oppo UHD player.

So I’ll revert to the BT kit. Why my iPad cannot download more than 100Mbps right next to the router remains a mystery. The huge disparity between Ethernet and Wi-fi is not something I expected. They were very close with my fibre/copper connection. Maybe things take a while to settle down

Thanks to all who gave help.

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Message 20 of 21

Re: Download speeds on iPad don’t make sense

While BT SH2 is capable device, it’s throttled to use only 3 channels on 5GHz band essentially…

Doesn’t matter if you use “smart” mode on Wifi, or set it dedicated, you can use still only that 3 channels. Typically 36(42) will be most of the time used as “smart” option…

This said, if you have neighbours, who use BT or Sky broadband, you can easily lead to situation, as at part of your house, you will gets stuck with interference with their setup. This might explain, why iPad getting less impressive results, even close to router. Why? Because it might be exact spot, where your and neighbours network interfere… 

Another option is, as iPad recognise 2.4 GHz network as stronger and simply stick on it, instead to use 5 GHz SSID, while on BT SH2 you are not in position to split 2.4 and 5 GHz, you don’t have control on which network which device will use.

This happening a lot and then you see slower speeds, even it not make sense otherwise…

With you TP link router, you shall be at position, as you might use higher channels (52-64), against BT SH2, which will allows you to use 36-48 only on 5GHz band, which tend be more crowded….

Try to use TP link on these “higher channels” and find some which are less crowded to test. Also divide 2.4 and 5GHz networks, if you can, and setup newer devices to use 5 GHz (a.k.a. For example SSID will be “MyNetwork-24” and “MyNetwork-5” and you will configure iPad and most demanded devices to use later….)

Divide/splitting 2.4 and 5 GHz in general make sense, if you have some legacy devices. Why? Because they will always slow down other devices…

Any extender, even BT WholeHome, is not suppose to bring MAXIMUM speed, but MAXIMUM COVERAGE, please bear this in mind… That said, you might extend area of reliable signal, but do not expect, as you will get 400 Mbps WiFi download everywhere, more likely, most of the extenders will provide up to 100 Mbps instead….

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