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Message 1 of 10

Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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So I splashed out on a Draytek 2862LN , I went through the setup I put in all the details like the username password as BT my broadband IP and so on , the router connects and tells me I have connection even shows upload and download speeds which look the same as my home hub stats before it was replaced , but I get no connection to any device either wired or wifi , ive tried my desktop on fixed and DHCP but nothing, yet my bthub works fine.


Any thoughts?

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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Are any of your devices getting an IP address in the correct range from the DHCP server and if so can you ping from one to the other?

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Message 3 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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My TV pulled the new gateway address , range wise both routers are set to 192.168.1 hub ending 253 and draytek ending 1

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Message 4 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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So, to aid my understanding,  your Draytek is and you still have the BT hub connected but you have changed it's IP address from to, is that right?

Which one is connected to your broadband?

How have you connected the two.

Whatever the answers to the above questions, can you ping the Draytek? (open a command window on a windows machine (Win+R)) . type ping /? if you need help on how to use the ping command 

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Message 5 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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Did you disable DHCP on the hub if you are using that as a WAP? Did you set the VLAN id to 101 on the Draytek

Does the Draytek work ok without the hub being connected?

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Message 6 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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Managed to sort it I didnt realise despite my hub giving a specific IP that I need to set the draytek to dhcp , all seems good now but thanks all for the input

Message 7 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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Out of interest, how have you got the devices connected?

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Message 8 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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In what sense ?
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Message 9 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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How are the 2 devices connected together LAN-LAN or LAN-WAN and which is connected to broadband and to what purpose is the second device being used.

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Message 10 of 10

Re: Draytek 2862 connects but nothing at my PC

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Ah no not connected together , I did initially have then connected and the draytek wizard sorted a link out but in the end I just unplugged and swapped between
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