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Message 1 of 6

Equipment returns - router supplied in 2018

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Hi there,

I have recently cancelled my BT Broadband which I originally signed up to in July 2018, and then subsquently renewed on the 19th Dec 2019 (after the terms regarding equipement on loan etc)

My account page is looking for the return of my router, but the only router BT have ever supplied to me was the original one back in 2018.  I did not receive (nor did I ask for) a replacement in 2019 when I renewed.

Am I right in thinking that because the router was supplied back in 2018 prior to the changes in the terms, that this should not require returning?  It's long gone now as it went faulty ages ago and have been using my own router since.


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Message 2 of 6

Re: Equipment returns - router supplied in 2018

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You are correct that you do not need to return it. You will probably find that the returns request has been computer generated. I would however contact BT 0800.800.150 and inform them so that they do not hound you for its return.

Message 3 of 6

Re: Equipment returns - router supplied in 2018

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Thanks for the reply, I'll give them a shout tonight and get that cleared up!
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Message 4 of 6

Re: Equipment returns - router supplied in 2018

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Well it's debatable as this extract from the T&Cs states :

" So if you joined us or have renewed your contract on or after this date, you’ll be charged for not returning equipment to us. "

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Equipment returns - router supplied in 2018

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The T&Cs were changed on 13th Dec 2019 to say the BT now only loan you the equipment.

Prior to the change there was an early termination charge for the broadband contract and a deferred payment charge for the equipment if you left BT during the period of the minimum term contract. 

The deferred payment charge has now been removed from the new T&Cs but if you had the equipment prior to the 13th Dec 2019 you were subject to the old T&Cs and provided you completed your minimum term the equipment did not need to be returned or paid for if you then subsequently left BT.

That in effect means that if you completed the the minimum term the deferred payment for the equipment ceased ie you had paid for the equipment.

If BT now say that you have to return or pay for the equipment you received prior to that date because you have renewed your minimum term it means that they have changed the T&Cs to the detriment of the customer who is still using the "old" equipment and are retrospectively trying to apply a charge to equipment issued prior to 13.12.19.

If that is the case BT will  need to explain what the deferred payment was for if not to cover the cost of the hub and also why have the not charged customers, like myself, for not returning or paying for Homehubs 1, 2, 3 which were received prior to 13th Dec 2019.

would like to see the result when an ex-customer fails to pay the fee and decides to fight it in court. I know who my money will be on and it ain't BT.

Message 6 of 6

Re: Equipment returns - router supplied in 2018

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You should also have a read of this thread and in particular message 6 from a moderator

Returning equipment - BT Community

and message 3 in this thread

Returning BT Equipment - BT Community

and finally this one. The last paragraph applies to this thread because the OP did not get new equipment when he re-contracted.

BT returns process - BT Community