Message 1 of 10

FTTC Upload Capped?

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Hi All, 

I don't have the fastest connection I appreciate that but my upload speed has dropped from over 7.x Mbps to exactly 5.0Mbps.  I've recorded my BT Hub advanced stats, BT wholesale line test, exchange stats etc.  It all points to a suspicious 5.0 cap.  

It may not seem like much but working from home to lose 2Mbps from 7Mbps has a significant  impact on my cloud upload speeds.

All the below tests were done through a wired connection with no other family members online (or even present in the house).

I have been through the online troubleshooter and tester, it completes and then says it cannot solve the problem because of a "Billing restriction" on the account.  However, when I go check my Account all is green and in order.

BT Exchange Checker.jpgBT Wholesale Test.jpgSmartHub Screenshot2.jpg

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Message 2 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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Good morning. You need to modify/blank out your attached photos as they show personal information such as your 'phone number.

Bear in mind, this is a public forum.

Message 3 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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your connection time is only 2hrs is that due to hub dropping connection or manual reset

try quiet line test  dial 17070 option 2  should be silent and best with corded phone

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Message 4 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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BT Exchange Checker2.jpgThe 2 hours is only because I reconfigured my network yesterday, here's it now 18 hours....  makes no difference...SmartHub Screenshot.jpg

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Message 5 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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so you have not been having and drops in connection which could have caused the reduction in connection speed?  you can check by going to technical log and filtering 'WAN' and that will show any resets whether manual or hub dropping connection

what about quiet line test?

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Message 6 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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Looking at your line stats, it appears your upload speed was automatically capped at 5Mbps on Nov 20th 2020 (following a few days where it initially dropped to 3.7Mbps from the 7.3Mbps it had previously peaked at). This was due to a period of frequent errors with your upload. Your stats still show that upload reliability isn't great, which is why it hasn't increased itself again - your line is now classed as stable though, with no changes being made to your profile since November.
Message 7 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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The Technical Log on my hub does not go back that far unfortunately.  I've checked my work calendar, I was not doing anything out of the ordinary no idea why there'd be issues.

Either way, how do I get my line reset, this speed reduction is really annoying.

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Message 8 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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The line adjusts automatically according to line conditions. Resetting it would just caused a period of instability before it then slows it down again. If it sees your line improve, it'll increase it again.

Best I could suggest would be to plug your hub into the test socket inside the master socket and run like that for a few days to see if internal wiring is causing any issues. If that doesn't help then you can assume the signal loss to be outside the home, but as there's still a working service within thresholds I don't think there's any option to request that it be improved.
Message 9 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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Have you tried the quiet line test as line noise is often the cause of connection problem.  you need to get a stable connection 

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Message 10 of 10

Re: FTTC Upload Capped?

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We had a major power cut in the area and that fixed it!


Pre- Powercut.jpg




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