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Message 11 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker

Your cabinet was fibre enabled since 2014 but from checker results you are to far from the cabinet to get FTTC just like you have been told

which master socket do you have

Keith_Beddoe_0-1577035081757.jpegMaster socket types.jpeg

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Message 12 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker

The box is number 7 type.

bt offer a broadband for my address, it is:

1Mb - 3Mb

Your download speed range

Your Stay Fast Guarantee 1Mb

Upload speed range 1Mb - 1Mb

However, my next door neighbour who is on a spur from the pole outside my house and an additional 200 m or so across a field, when i check availability from BT it is higher and also fibre 1.
Fibre 1
3Mb - 6Mb

Your download speed range

Your Stay Fast Guarantee 2Mb

Upload speed range 1Mb - 1Mb

...And on the wholesale checker, they have VDSL available where as i don't.

Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream HandbackThreshold(Mbps) WBC FTTC Availability Date WBC SOGEA Availability Date Left in JumperHigh Low High Low        VDSL Range A (Clean) 

VDSL Range B (Impacted)
Featured Products Downstream Line Rate(Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range (Mbps) Availability Date FTTP Install ProcessFTTP on Demand
ADSL Products Downstream Line Rate (Mbps) Upstream Line Rate (Mbps) Downstream Range(Mbps) ADSL Availability Date WBC SOADSL Availability Date Left in JumperWBC ADSL 2+WBC ADSL2+ Annex MADSL MaxWBC Fixed RateFixed Rate
Up to 2.5--1 to 4AvailableAvailable--
Up to 2.5Up to 0.51 to 4AvailableAvailable--
Up to 2--1 to 3.5AvailableAvailable--
Other Offerings Availability DateVDSL MulticastADSL Multicast
Premise Environment StatusBridge TapVRINTE FacePlateLast Test Date
Exchange Product Restrictions StatusFTTP Priority ExchangeWLR WithdrawalSOADSL Restriction



That's one part of it, ie apparent availability of FTTC service to my next door neighbour where as i am on the same line and  closer to the cabinet than they are cable wise...

The other point is why did my download speed drop by about a quarter after a rather stable period (year or so) of about 4.5 to the 3.4 as now after visits in the area by open reach engineers?


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Message 13 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker

If master socket 7 then if you unclip the fron then you can connect a filter to the test socket now visible and then connect hub to filter. If you manage that can you repost stats

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Message 14 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker

Ok, I will connect a filter to the test socket and the hub to the filter. How long before I retest and is it all the stats I need to resubmit?


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Message 15 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker

just post stats after you have it connected

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Message 16 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker


I have an openreach MK4 plate (?) and when i unclick it, i put in an old filter i had from a few years ago and the HHub wire won't fit into the 'modem' side of the filter... It will obviously it in the Master plate socket but not the filter one so I'm a bit stuck! 

Any suggestions at all please?

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Message 17 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker


The filter should look something like this. The left hand one may be smaller than shown here.


The left hand one is where the lead from the home hub would plug into.

If you remove the MK4 filter plate, and connect things up as shown below, by plugging into the test socket, that is what @imjolly means.

nte 5c testing from test socket.jpg

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Message 18 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker

The filters are standard fit for the RJ11 modem cable which should connect to the dsl socket on the back of the hub

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Message 19 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker maybe i'm not putting the hhub connector in the filter modem connector correctly...the master box is in a difficult place to reach and i have neck injury at the mo and every thing goes pins and needles and numb when i try! I'll have a rest for a bit as my arm and shoulder are cramping ... and try again later.

Incidentally, what does "DSL link down:   duration was 823285 seconds" mean in the event log under WAN? I've just looked at that and pasted below, line above near end of the paste.


Recorded events

Time and date Message

16:16:29, 13 Nov.WAN connection ATM connected
16:16:29, 13 Nov.PPP IPCP Receive Configuration ACK
16:16:29, 13 Nov.PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
16:16:29, 13 Nov.PPP IPCP Receive Configuration NAK
16:16:28, 13 Nov.PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
16:16:28, 13 Nov.PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Reject
16:16:28, 13 Nov.PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
16:16:28, 13 Nov.PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
16:16:28, 13 Nov.PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
16:16:28, 13 Nov.PPP CHAP Receive success : authentication successful
16:16:28, 13 Nov.PPP CHAP Receive Challenge
16:16:27, 13 Nov.PPP LCP Receive Configuration ACK
16:16:27, 13 Nov.PPP LCP Send Configuration ACK
16:16:27, 13 Nov.PPP LCP Receive Configuration Request
16:16:27, 13 Nov.PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
16:16:24, 13 Nov.PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
16:16:20, 13 Nov.DSL Link Up: Down Rate=3971Kbps, Up Rate=1063Kbps; SNR Margin Down=15.2dB, Up=6.3dB
16:09:53, 13 Nov.WAN connection ATM disconnected
16:09:44, 13 Nov.PPP LCP Send Termination Request (User request)
16:09:41, 13 Nov.PPP LCP Send Termination Request (User request)
16:09:40, 13 Nov.DSL Link Down: duration was 823285 seconds
03:28:25, 04 Nov.WAN connection ATM connected
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Message 20 of 29

Re: FTTC, not seen on bb checker

Dsl link down is router dropping internet connection and number of seconds since it last lost internet connection

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