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Message 1 of 8

Faulty internet after BT Open Reach Again!

I have had several previous faults and thought maybe the hub will work today after an engineer coming to fix the issue.  On Friday the 23rd of July 2021 at 22.45pm the BT Hub flashed yellow and did not return solid blue until 22.58pm. Why the drop in service?

The engineer tried telling me because I do not have my hub swithed on 24/7, I am the reason the internet does not work. 2 weeks ago another open reach worker messed up my phone line not because of how I use the bt hub. It is time BT took responsibility instead of blaming customers. Instead of fixing the issue, BT wants me to upgrade then magically there will be no more faults, not judging by posts on here. Why would I want to be subjected to BT breaking promises in a long contract? 

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Faulty internet after BT Open Reach Again!


The engineer tried telling me because I do not have my hub swithed on 24/7, I am the reason the internet does not work

You are misusing the kit (please don't bother telling us why you power the hub off).

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Faulty internet after BT Open Reach Again!

Hi @EmmaSmith and welcome to the community.

Thanks for posting about your connection problems, sorry you're having problems with the connection. I'm sure we can help you. Is there any noise on your line? You can check that by dialling 17070. If you hear any noise then it's a problem with your line. I can run a few checks from my side if you wish. I'll drop you a private message now so you can get in touch.



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Message 4 of 8

Re: Faulty internet after BT Open Reach Again!

The DSLAM can’t distinguish between a Line Disconnection and or any other kind of Line Fault and the Hub being switched off intentionally and repeatedly.

Therefore the DSLAM with continuously raise your SNR and lower your speed to try and find a more stable connection.

Also once everyone is on a SOGEA Circuit, aka Naked DSL when the the Public Switched Network is turned off in 2025 it will definitely be recommend you leave your Hub on because Engineers will be able to confirm your line is a working circuit but testing for the Routers Training Tones. If they don’t see them they might think your line is a ‘Spare’ and take it to provide service for someone else.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Faulty internet after BT Open Reach Again!

Hi @EmmaSmith,

Just a quick post to see how things are with your connection? If you still need help with your connection, please post back and we'll be more than happy to give you a hand. 



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Message 6 of 8

Re: Faulty internet after BT Open Reach Again!

BT ran tests again for the same problem and another Engineer is coming out on Thursday. BT always want to pass the buck and asked if I wanted to raise a complaint. Hmmm.... I will communicate in writing, they responded with let me check our policy. What a joke. I am not the only one who does not leave broadband switched on for 24 hours before the hobby horse starts. 

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Faulty internet after BT Open Reach Again!

I will let you assume away because I know my situation better than you do. I trialled left the hub switched on and it still crumbled proving you are wrong. Nice try.
Message 8 of 8

Re: Faulty internet after BT Open Reach Again!

if you are still not connected after the openreach engineer visit on thursday and the forum mods have offered to help  the mods are the only BT employees on the forum and everyone else is a customer just like you and posting suggestion trying to help you

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