I currently pay for High speed fibre broadband, as this is what is delivered to the box at the other side of the village where I live which is in the countryside. From the box to myself though is old broadband cable. At the beginning of April technicians were out digging up verges and pushing fibre cables into exist pipes alongside properties in the countryside. Does anyone know how I can find out when it might be possible to have my home connected to the fibre cables to make my broadband a bit quicker. I can't find any option on the BT site to raise this as a query with BT.
Assuming that it is Openreach who are doing the work, you could try asking via this form.
Use the DSL checker https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL by entering your phone number, it will show what services are available to you. When it indicates that WBC FTTP (not FTTPoD) is available you can order it. Nobody will be able to give you any timescales of when it will be provided.