Message 1 of 3

Fibre to the Premises

Offered Fibre to the premises 17th February 2021. Accepted, Equipment received, installed, working Fibre to the Cabinet. Check Ofcom website, Fibre is available at my address.

Early April 2021 received appointment to install Fibre. Cancelled by BT two days before appointment. No reason given.

Mid April 2021 received second appointment to install Fibre. Engineer arrives but is unable to complete the installation due to missing duct on footpath.

May 8th 2021 Saturday third appointment, KN Network contractor installs cable, fits new white box, three white lights. Assures me all is working and leaves.

Within the hour I discover I am still on Fibre to the Cabinet copper to the house. New fibre installation not working.

Ring 0800 800 150 to report my F.T.T.P. is not working. 

Nine days later 17th May my new installation is still not working.

Four months in I decide that BT is happy to take the extra £11 rental plus vat but not provide the service. I cancel the order and return to Fibre to the Cabinet copper to the house.

Has anyone else experienced such poor service and what would you suggest I do next to get the service I want remembering I have all the equipment and a Fibre installation to the house that is not working?

PS Ex Engineer with forty years service, up the pole and down the hole. This Buzby is not a happy bird.




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Message 2 of 3

Re: Fibre to the Premises

Give the FTTP team a ring. 0800 587 4787 

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Fibre to the Premises

Many thanks.

Spoke to Openreach then Fibre control on Saturday 8th May and they advised me I would need a new appointment. Having explained this was my third appointment and third disappointment I was assured an engineer would visit on Monday 10th or Tuesday  11th May. They gave me the number 0800 587 4787 if there was any problems. On Wednesday 12th I rang 0800 587 4787 and was told all our engineers are busy but they would see what could be done. Nine days on from the 8th May and four months on from the 17th February I decided enough was enough. The whole set up of BT, Openreach, and Fibre Control is simply a game of pass the parcel. When I worked in the engineering control I would have spoken to the customer and given them an assurance that an engineer was coming on a  given day plus an AM or PM slot.

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