That's just showing your attainable rate. Your actual rate won't improve until DLM releases the banding and that can take several weeks.
I understand. I've currently got 4/1 interleaving applied to the line. When that gets taken off though, things should be good. Wish there was a quicker way to change it but I can't afford to leave the line disconnected for 24hrs and I spoke to BT customer service who didn't seem to know what I was on about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Possibly because leaving the line disconnected for 24hrs won't change anything.
Oh, I meant I'd spoken to see if I could get the DLM reset to zero interleaving.
As for removing the modem 24hrs, a couple of other community posts here seemed to suggest that was an alternative to get them to clear whatever had been applied to the line
No idea where you got that idea from. DLM will require several weeks of line stability before it will do anything.
Fat chance of stability with noise on the line.
Again, it's not much. I was being picky. Checked my modem stats now I've made the change and there have been zero error seconds / resyncs in the past 2 days. As I understand it, from Kitz forums, those are the metrics DLM uses.
I'd say any hardware problems have been resolved now. It's just a waiting game