I'm about to order full fibre, does the old Copper line remain in place for Telephone, or is it expected to be migrated to Digital Voice (and therefore need to connect to Smart Hub 2)?
I wont be using the Smart Hub, so need to confirm what happens with the phone line. Cant seem to get clarification anywhere.
It depends on area. The PSDN service (copper phoneline) is being wound down. They will tell you when you order via the FTTP team. 0800 587 4787
My FTTP installation is at 8.00am in the morning.
I'll tell you then.👍
My twin copper was replaced with a dual fibre/copper combination cable.
The twin fibre/copper cable is no longer used, there is no point as the copper service is being withdrawn by 2025.
Engineer is fitting twin fibre / copper to mine as I type this @pippincp
I asked him not 2 minutes go.
Even when the PSTN network is switched off, there may still be occasions where a physical copper path is needed, so I suppose its future proofing, even if its just a single pair.
I suspect it is just using up old stock rather than anything deliberate.
He just told me new stock in his van this morning from the stores. 😋
But old stock in the stores. 😀