Joined Bt on Wednesday on full fibre 300 with 2 extra discs. Upgraded totay to 900 and halo one and speeds are all over the place. Upload sometimes higher than download. I cannot test on the app as it says, sorry we cannot test your speed at the moment, ensure you are connected to your smart hub at home and try again. . Try to go into my account and get the message that I cannot see upgrades at the moment . Called bt and they have said the hub shows 900 download but the most I've seen on fast .com admittedly via wifi was around 70-80. It was around 280 before the supposed upgrade
Fast .com shows
Loaded 8ms
201 ms loaded
Upload 65mpbs
have you tried a hub reset to see if that helps with package upgrade
Yes I've tried a hub rest, interestingly, my sky box has started losing connection also today after the upgrade