Message 31 of 38

Re: Neighbour has fibre I can't

When he says Ports I assume he meant the Ports on a CBT, which would be the box on top of the Pole.

CBT’s come in sizes of;

4, 6, 8 and 12 Ports.

Openreach will only ever liven up how many Ports are needed for each premises it serves, they won’t light up all of them.

Although you said FTTP had been on your street for 5 years, I’m not sure they’ve been using CBT’s for that long.

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Message 32 of 38

Re: Neighbour has fibre I can't

Hi Starwire,
Exactly correct on all details. The 'CBT' (spur in my understanding) should contain a multiple of 4 ports. There are assumed to be 12 on the pole in our street but only 10 premises are being served. We were definitely on the original plan to be connected but it appears that 2 of them may be US. The guy I spoke to is chasing OR to find out why my house got missed off of - what was otherwise - a full rollout. He's somewhat confused as to why there is no documentation on his master plan (or whatever they work from). As soon as OR contact him, he'll contact me or ring me in the New Year to say that that they haven't contacted him. Either way, there shouldn't be any black voids in the communication this time. He's assured me he will keep me in the loop and chase it up - come what may.
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Message 33 of 38

Re: Neighbour has fibre I can't

No one calls it a, ‘Spur’. I don’t know where BT are getting that terminology from.

As said a CBT has either 4, 6, 8 or 12 Ports.

When a PON in Surveyed each Premises is assigned one Port, not 2.

So if a CBT is to serve 3 premises then a 4 Port would be installed but only 3 Ports made live, aka connected to the SASA and so on.

Its possible that the CBT that serves your premises had its 10th Port, that would’ve supplied you with service was used for someone ordering a secondary FTTP Circuit or an Installation Engineer used that one to supply service to a customer that should’ve been fed from a different CBT and then never updated the Routing.

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Message 34 of 38

Re: Neighbour has fibre I can't

I like communicating with you, Starwire, because you give me the correct and industry-recognised gen. Yes, the connector block terminal is what was originally described to me as a 'small spur' hanging off of the distribution pole. If a PON is passive, is there an equivalent 'active' network (AON)? I'm keen to gen up on as much as I can since knowledge is power when it comes to defending one's position in the faces of BT and OR. I don't want to be blind-sided by technical jargon that I can't counter. Much obliged to you!
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Message 35 of 38

Re: Neighbour has fibre I can't

Passive Optical Network ( PON ) refers to the type of optical network that uses splitters , it’s  those splitters that are passive part of the PON, there no electronics in a splitter , it’s a passive ( not separately powered ) device, in OR’s case it’s a 32 way split , the same ‘signal’ that enters the splitter on 1 fibre  , exits it on 32 fibres , it’s just that the signal is now attenuated by the splitter process ( by 15dB )  , but if the signal  â€˜strength’ is still sufficient that doesn’t matter , it’s a series of optical prisms, that split the light source, so 1 splits into 2, 2 in to 4, 4 in to 8, 8 into 16, 16 into 32.

So to your question , if there is a PON , is there also an AON ( active optical network ) , and the answer is No.

Probably not a brilliant analogy, but comparing ‘passive’ and ‘active’  could be easier to understand if thought if in terms  of as HiFi with separate speakers , the speakers don’t need a power supply themselves, the ‘wire’ that carry’s the audio signal also powers the speakers , these speakers are ‘passive’ , you could also have a HiFi with  â€˜active’ speakers , where the speakers also connect to a separate power supply , and the wires from the HiFi only deliver the audio signal , any extra ‘amplification’ , provided by the active elements of the speakers…the reason comms company’s use passive networks ( and not active ones )  is that there is less to go wrong .

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Message 36 of 38

Re: Neighbour has fibre I can't

Thank you very much Iniltous!
Confucius once said that an educated man learns all he can in the span of his lifetime but a wise man learns something new every day. I'm very grateful to you.
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Message 37 of 38

Re: Neighbour has fibre I can't

That is why the ONT (optical modem) serial number is linked to your address and is not transferable. All 32 signals arrive at each ONT and your signal alone is extracted.

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Message 38 of 38

Re: Neighbour has fibre I can't

Hi Licquorice,
Got it now. This actually re-inforces the perplexity of how my number got left off the original rollout. I think BT would do better if their web site said '... not available at your number at the moment' rather than '....not available in your area at the moment.' There must be a load of households left believing that FTTP/C is not physically in their postcode when it actually IS and their property is not 'selected' - for whatever reason I have yet to discover. All will, hopefully, be revealed in the new year. Many thanks for your help on this. I'm learning a great deal very fast now. Kind regards.
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