I have been using my internet however at times my internet will just stop and try to redirect to https://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 my chrome then blocks the site telling me that it is dangerous and I am at risk something to do with certificate erroros. My internet then goes down and I can't use it on my computer or mobile for about 20mins.
I first thought it was a virus as thats what came up in google search however i don't see any weird advertisements as suggested. But i have also discovered it is a google owned page as seen on this link below.
Thank you.
Android and google products use that url to see if there's an Internet connection. Particularly for public hotspots where you may need to sign into the the network with a voucher/a speed bump redirect.
Hi @KarolinaCooper and welcome.
Sorry you're having problems. Are you connected with BT Broadband / fibre?