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Message 1 of 2

Halo3+ in a low speed copper based broadband area

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I'm moving to an area with poor copper broadband speeds (~8mbps) but with 4G reception. if I change to Halo3+ will I get unlimited data when using the 4G connection via the EE device supplied with Halo3+?

I think that my nearest cabinet to the new house is ~1km away, hence the poor speeds. Advised that no plans to upgrade in the near future.

According to the postcode speed checker on the BT site, it looks like the best speed I can get on the landline in my new house is ~8mbps, I'm currently on ~55mbps so will notice the difference. I believe that 4g would give me ~25mbps but I could be wrong!

Anyone able to advise? Alternative is Virgin at 100mbps........hmmm

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Halo3+ in a low speed copper based broadband area

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Hi @ijlane welcome to the community and thanks for posting, the hybrid connect service provided as part of the Halo3+ plan is only intended for use when your fixed-line broadband is faulty, so I don't believe that's the solution you're looking for.

We do however offer 4g home broadband packages



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