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Message 1 of 2

How can I get a hub replaced by BT...?

Hi guys! 


I've had my hub since the v2 was first launched but it keeps cutting of and disconnecting. I've read that BT own the hubs?? 🤷‍♂️ anyway if they own them, is it possible to have BT replace it? 


Many thanks 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: How can I get a hub replaced by BT...?


Which home hub do you have at the moment, and what type of broadband connection do you have?

If the broadband is cutting out, its more  likely to be a noisy phone line.

Is there any noise on your phone calls? Dial 17070 and select option 2, there should be no noise between the announcements.

If you are still in a contract, then BT will replace the home hub for free, if its the cause of the problem.

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