The new hybrid connector has a very bright blue light. Mine has a poor signal (I’m going to try the antenna method).
On the hub, I manage the lights. It seems you can’t on the hybrid, but that is a very bright blue light which is intrusive at night. Our equipment is in the bedroom, so this is a real issue.
any suggestions please?
I'm not sure you can get change the brightness of the indication lights on the hybrid connect device. What you could do is use some paper and bluetack over those parts to reduce the glare. Make sure no vents are covered though.
Hi @GrannyGramps Search Amazon for Lightdims.
Yes, I've used that product for a few things, including the ridiculously-bright leds on my ASUS router. Here's the current product description on Amazon:-
Thanks. I’ve made my own using a 1” square piece of thick card and some masking tape.