Hi @Lars_Porsena Many thanks for your kind comments, it was my pleasure helping and all that matters is that you can now speak with your father without any noise interrupting your calls.
Hi. Can I ask if there was a simple resolution to this please? We have a similar issue (though we are with Talk Talk / Openreach) and seem to struggle to resolve it once and for all... Thanks
You will need to take this up with TalkTalk, as this is a BT Retail Customer Forum.
BT Retail, like other providers, do not get feedback from Openreach.
Have you posted on the TalkTalk user forum?
Hi Chris
Yes, there was an easy resolution, which I wouldn't have thought of -- it was a new phone. I don't know what was causing the problem with the old phone, I changed the handset for a new one and still had a problem. I tried another phone plugged in with a splitter, crackly line. I checked that my father's phone on my home line and it worked fine, which was why I thought there was a problem with the line.
A completely new phone solved the problem and so it didn't need any intervention from BT but Neil on the forum hear did help me so that I could check the line myself.