I posted elsewhere about latency increase and it looks very much like I have gone from Fastpath to Interleaved (although mixed messages about whether this is actually possible on Fibre)
anyway, is it at all possible to have my BT fibre profile set to Fastpath?
@Bullstein Fast path and interleaved, is only applicable to copper delivered "fibre" ie VDSL and G.Fast.
If your connection terminates on an Optical Modem (ONT), then its not applicable.
I don’t understand why my ping has jumped from a steady 16ms in the last 6 years to a steady 24ms in the last few months
ive reported an issue, Openreach engineer reset profile/checked all wiring - was very thorough yet my ping still sits at 24ms
this is very frustrating and has impacted badly on gaming going from 16-24ms with no one able to provide an explanation for this sudden change
You do not get an exclusive connection to the Internet, you are sharing it with other users, even if you have true fibre connection.
So if other users are sending and receiving a lot of data, then you are going to get a delayed response, its unavoidable. Its quite possible that more users have been connected since your service was first activated.
24ms does not seem excessive, considering the fact that your data also has to be carried over the Internet core.