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Message 21 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

Hi @tjb1508 

Welcome to the BT Community and thanks for your posts!

I'm sorry for the disconnections you're having with your broadband.  62 drops in one day is a lot so I am very surprised my colleagues have said that there isn't anything wrong.  I see from your post that you tried the third party router in the test socket.  Try the BT Hub you have in the test socket and if you're still seeing the drops then we can be confident it's a network issue and nothing on your side.

Post back and let me know.  If you're still experiencing the drops we'll be about to lend a hand.



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Message 22 of 22

Re: Issues setting up a TP Link Archer VR600 as Modem/Router

Hi, Robbie, thanks for getting touch,


The HomeHub 6 has been installed and used in the test socket since around 5:30pm yesterday, but I didn't really experience anything different.

I know this could be a bit of a silly question, but what would be different about the HH6 and TP Link router causing it to refuse to connect to DSL at all?

Not sure on the amount of drops today or anything as I've been working, but I'll keep an eye on any further disconnects and patterns to disconnects and check for noise on the line when the broadband drops out. BT are due to call back tomorrow as well so I'll find out how many disconnects there have been since yesterday.

Thanks again for your reply,


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