Message 1 of 5

MacAfee anti virus

Hi . I done a factory reset on my Samsung  Galaxy 7 inch ,( its less than 2 years old ) then tried to reinstall my MacAfee antivirus App . Seemingly  Downloaded and Installed OK   , then when  I tried to use it keep getting the message  "  OOPS  something went wrong during set up 😬, tried half a dozen times , keep getting the same message , I uninstalled the app each time . any body any ideas ?

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Message 2 of 5

Re: MacAfee anti virus

Hi @Keith19 

Welcome to the BT Community and thanks for your post!

I'm sorry for the problems you're having using the BT Virus Protect app.  Take a look at the help page and post back to let me know how you get on.

>>  BT Virus Protect help page <<



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Message 3 of 5

Re: MacAfee anti virus

Hi Robbie  , thanks for your advice but still no joy , went in My bt , then selected the app and downloaded it , it went thru the download and install  procedure seemingly OK  , then got the OPEN button , hit that , then got the message   ,  "OOPS something went wrong during set up " , same as I was getting the other times I tried re-installing , I had no probs the first time I installed it ., I also have the SAMSUNG GALAXY 8inch and 10 inch , no problems setting up there ,  Cheers  Keith

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Message 4 of 5

Re: MacAfee anti virus

Hi @Keith19 thanks for getting back to us. I'm sorry that didn't work, I'll send you a message so you can get in touch with the moderation team and we'll raise a case for that to be investigated. 



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Message 5 of 5

Re: MacAfee anti virus

Hi  NeilO , I've tried it a few more times , no joy , today can't even get to the MacAfee website as its " AN UNSECURE CONNECTION "  tried going in thru MYBT , also sent for a link , nothing ,just " UNSECURE CONNECTION "  Regards Keith

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