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Message 11 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

I appreciate the drop off science but in this case there must be something else at play.  

I am attached to cabinet 2

Neighbour 1 and Neighbour 2 are attached to cabinet 4

Why doesn't neighbour 1 experience much drop off? They are much further away from their cabinet than I am from mine yet their broadband is significantly faster than mine.  



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Message 12 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

So I have just done a check of a few more neighbours and the conclusion is:

> All Neighbours attached to Cabinet 2 have speeds of about 10Mb 

> All Neighbours attached to Cabinet 4 have speeds of about 50Mb

There are varying distances as we are all pretty rural but being closer to cabinet 2 does not seem to help much. 

If, all cabinets should be equal this is most definitely not the case here. Is there a way to escalate this to Open Reach?

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Message 13 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

all the cabs are capable of providing max FTTC speed of 80/20mb but the actual speed you receive depends on your distance from the street cabinet remembering that unless you can actually see the phoneline on overhead you have no idea of the route the cable is taking - it is very unlikely the most direct route

so from your post you are not the only person who is on cab 2

openreach do not deal with the public

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Message 14 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

All cables near us are on overhead and so we can see the routes - I will go & check! 

Yes I was aware that they must not take the direct route as the cables for Cabinet 4 (which were knocked down by a tree fall recently) go straight past our property.  Hence why it is so frustrating we can't access it.  

Just a further clarification, the new cables, attached to Cabinet 4 which came down and which go past our house are definitely (well according to Open Reach) Fibre.  Would this not make a difference to the speeds available from that cabinet?  The standard comment from Open Reach is, "why are you on copper from cabinet when there is Fibre going past your house?"

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Message 15 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

your cabinet has FTTC so like the other cab it has a fibre connection providing 80/20mb for fibre 2  however the speed to your home is determined by the distance you are from your street cabinet so further from cabinet longer copper line the slower the speed  this is shown in the graph I posted previously

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Message 16 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

Sorry one more question/suggestion.

I think what is occurring is , Cabinet 2 (my cabinet) is copper all the way from the cabinet for all customers (hence the slow speeds).  Whereas Cabinet 4 the wiring from the Cabinet has been renewed so it is Fibre to mid way boxes (I am sorry I don't know the correct terminology) and then copper from there to premises.  

Attached is an image of the mid way box outside my house that is part of Cabinet 4's feed.  



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Message 17 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

To add further evidence to this theory as per the below data Cabinet 2 was FFTC enabled in Jan 2015 where as Cabinet 4 was only FFTC in Sept 2019 thus I think the cabling from that Cabinet is way better as it was only installed recently.  



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Message 18 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

@Starwire  will be able to tell you exactly what that is. He'll possibly drop in later.

Is there anything like this on the poles near the houses you think have FTTP?


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Message 19 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

It matters not when a cabinet is upgraded to FTTC the existing copper from the cab to home is still used. The only new cables are the fibre to the DSLAM and the copper link cables between the PSP and DSLAM.

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Message 20 of 21

Re: Missed off the OpenReach Fibre Survey - Neighbours have it but BT deny its existence outside me

That’s a Fibre Node, possibly a Splitter but I couldn’t tell without looking inside it.

As no FTTP is available I’d imagine the Fibre is for the DSLAMS. Its unusual for the Fibre to comes from Overhead but it’s not uncommon.