We changing provider due to poor customer service. Internet went down 3 weeks ago and TalkTalk have been unable to address problem (router changed and line checked by Openreach.
My question is will changing provider just mean BT inherits a non working service from TalkTalk which they will then need to sort, or does BT ensure our line is working as part of the change over process? Key worker who will need internet for home working.
Unless the problem lies with Talktalk equipment, their settings or wholesale, moving to BT will bring the problem to BT, BT won't be able to raise a fault until the provision order closes.
It will obviously depend on what the problem is.
All providers use the same lines etc so if it is part of the infrastructure or within your property then yes BT will only be inheriting the problem and they will have to resolve it which may prove to be as problematic for you as it was with TalkTalk because they both use Openreach.
Talk Talk is an independent ISP carrier using its own equipment in exchanges. You will be switched to BTWholesale equipment so if the line is indeed OK you shouldn't have a problem.