Hey all.
Ill be moving to a new area. I'm excited but at the same time but I'm worried I may not be able to get fast speeds anymore. It seems like I can only get 12MB down or in some cases 60MB down but I am not sure until I get a socket installed.
I was wondering if someone could check for me what speeds I'll be able to get with BT broadband or is there a way for me to get an FTTP installed to achieve faster speeds?
Hope to hear back soon!
Put your address (not just postcode) into the checker and post a screenshot of the result. Remember to edit out the address in the screenshot before posting. https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL
Thank you. So it seems that I can get 330 down with FTTP?
Afraid not, that is FTTPoD which is a different product to WBC FTTP and is an extremely expensive business product costing £thousands if not tens of £thousands construction costs.
The other bad news is that the cabinet is full so you can't even get FTTC. The good news is that you must be close to the exchange and ADSL2 is fairly fast at that location, possibly 15-20Mbs.
Once you have moved in, keep checking the checker and once the 'Waiting list' changes to 'Available' on the VDSL rows put an order in quickly before somebody else grabs the port.
Oh ok. So there's nothing I can do apart from waiting till It becomes available?
Thanks for your help today!
Afraid not, but keep checking regularly as ports might become free due to customers ceasing service. This will be the case for all providers, ports are not allocated to ISPs they are on a first come first served basis.
Now showing available so you would need to place an order asap
Yes, there's a port free. Get your order in before someone else gets it.