I have a full sports and broadband package with BT.
I am trying to set/reset my now tv password but it is not recognizing my email address.
I believe I maybe got these details when I first signed up and emailed to me, but I have had to change my email address as my old email ended up invalid through lack of use. Now I have a new email set up and linked to my account is there a way of retrieving these details as its saying not recognized?
Looking forward to your reply/help.
Thank you.
Welcome to the community and thanks for your post!
I am sorry for the problems you're having resetting your NOW password. I understand that you no longer have access to the email address you used when you signed up and you need to update the details.
You can speak with a colleague of mine in the helpdesk who can update the email address registered with NOW. You'll get an email once the details have been updated with a link to bring you through to update your NOW password.
Give my colleagues a call on 0800 800 150. Keep me posted how you get on chatting with them.