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Message 1 of 6

Neighbours bothsides are on Fibre 2 but i can only get fibre 1

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Can anyone help me with a problem i have with being the only house being stuck on Fibre 1?

It appears that i have been connected to an exchange a long way away however both my neighbours (either side) have been connected to the exchange about 50m away.  I live in the middle of a terrace block and for some reason my connection is the only one that can't get Fibre 2.  I have verified this using the Sam Knows site.

I don’t know who I can contact about this as in the past it has always been dead end conversation such as the exchange cabinet was installed after my house was built so that is why I was not connected to it.  I know this is not true as I spoke to my neighbour who has lived here longer than me and he told me the box was here when the houses were first built 20 years ago.

I have even been told the road would need to be dug up but I don’t understand why as all the other houses in the same terrace are connected to the local cabinet so I guess the infrastructure would be in place already?

Can anyone provide contact details so I can have a conversation with someone who might be able to help rather than just read of a script?

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Neigjbours bothsides are on Fibre 2 but i can only get fibre 1

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FTTC or Fibre to the Cabinet is not connected to the exchange, the are connected to a Cabinet. 

The infrastructure regarding what houses are connected to what cabinets is controlled by Openreach and not BT retail.

Openreach will not move your connection from one cabinet to another just to increase your broadband speeds.

See link and the question "There is another cabinet near me...... "

Questions about fibre availability (




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Message 3 of 6

Re: Neigjbours bothsides are on Fibre 2 but i can only get fibre 1

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can you enter your phone number and post results  remember delete number

there is a similar post where neighbours are on different cabinet hence getting different speeds

openreach will not change your cabinet to give you a better broadband connection  this has been covered on the forum many times

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Neigjbours bothsides are on Fibre 2 but i can only get fibre 1

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Thanks for responding.  Me details are below.  I just put my neighbours address in and they are on cabinet 32.  I can understand if we are in separate detached houses however we are in the same terrace. Looks like a wifi provider is my only route if openreach will not move me.  I can't understand why my house was connected to a completely different cabinet though when all the other house in the same terrace are on cabinet 32.  

 Exchange MALDON is served by Cabinet 21


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Message 5 of 6

Re: Neigjbours bothsides are on Fibre 2 but i can only get fibre 1

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as I said there is a similar post with neighbours on either side on different closer cabinet

openreach will not move your cabinet connection

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Neigjbours bothsides are on Fibre 2 but i can only get fibre 1

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Just a quick update foe everyone.

I have now been moved to the closer cabinet and my speeds have gone from 12mb to 65-72mb

Only took me around 3 years to get it sorted but at least its done now 🙂

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