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Message 1 of 16

New fibre service Banded?

So I’ve had my Fibre 2 service for about two weeks now, well over the “ten days” training that doesn’t apply to fibre anyway, but it’s been ten days. Upload is perfect, but the download seems to be very specifically banded at 64 sync, and no more than 62 sync on devices. Wholesale gives me lowest download as 60 on impacted and a max of 80. My average quoted speeds on purchase of the package was 60-73. I rarely get over 61. Understand the sync in the stats say 67 but on testing through the BT app it lists 64.

From my understanding of the stats in the technical log, my connection is very good, which makes sense as I can see the telephone exchange from my window. Maybe I’m missing something but surely my line is capable of far in excess of 62? I do know this is the case as three days after the service was activated it shot up to about 67 for a day and then back down to 62. My connection is very stable, no drop outs really. Curiously though, the connection seems to reset very early in the morning between 3-4 every three days or so, which it did today, the uptime is more recent today as I had to disconnect it briefly to move furniture. I’m assuming this is the DLM kicking in but the speed doesn’t change one way or another. What’s going on here? Will provide any other info needed. Cheers.



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Message 2 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

enter your phone number and post results  remember delete number but leave exchange and cab

I don't think you are in a banded profile but due to your disconnections your speed has reduced to try and stabilise your line  if it remains stable then speed will improve slightly  

all speeds quoted by BT are connection speeds to hub not download speeds achieved by your devices

distance from the exchange is immaterial for FTTC it is distance from the street cab that counts

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Message 3 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

Can only give the address results as digital voice breaks the wholesale checker, but I can tell you the stats are the same from looking at it a lot over the last few months. The only instability is caused by bt themselves resetting the connection. It’s rock solid outside of these early morning reconnections.


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Message 4 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

from your stats you have 67mb connection speed which is the bottom end of expected range and above handback speed so BT unlikely to do anything

you just need to leave the connection and as long as there is no line noise causing connection drops I would expect your speed to improved slightly.  do quiet line test to check for any noise  dial 17070 option 2  should be silent and any noise is a problem

unfortunately you are on ECI cab so no speed boost from G.INP

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Message 5 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

Thanks for the reply, haven’t got a chance to check the line for noise yet. How much do you mean when you say improve slightly? I’m not expecting to get 80 as that’s ideal conditions. But surely I should be able to sync closer to 70? I’m very close to both my cab and the exchange. My stats are good? What am I supposed to do about BT resetting my connection every three days? If that is indeed the reason the connection has been slowed.

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Message 6 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

Your stats look a bit weird. You are syncing at 67M with an Snrm of 6.3 yet your max attainable shows 80M which doesn't stack up. With an ECI cabinet you won't get G.Inp or 3dB margin so your speed is about as good as it will get.

Even if it improved to over 70M you would never tell the difference in the real world anyway.

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Message 7 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

I thought this too. How does the cabinet type determine my speeds? Surely if I’m quoted between 60-73, and my max rate is 80, shouldn’t I be syncing closer to that? No matter the cabinet type. I know the line is capable of more as on the third day of service I was hitting 67mbps on device so I probably would have been syncing at 70 on hub.  And this connection was stable so why did they bump me down?

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Message 8 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

As already stated, ECI cabinets don't have G.Inp or 3db SNRM capability, both of which increase speed.

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Message 9 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

Yes I understand that, but why is it rated for 80 on the wholesale checker and on my hub stats if that kind of speed isn’t possible due to the cabinet? Also considering I know my connection is able to sync higher, so clearly there is some leeway in speed here. And while the hub stats state a sync at 67, my real sync is closer to 63 through the speed test on the bt app.

I’d understand if my connection was unstable and DLM was dialling it down to keep it right, but this isn’t the case. The only drop outs seem to be caused by the DLM, but my speed hasn’t changed one way or another. 

How does one tell what type of cabinet they’re connected to?

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Message 10 of 16

Re: New fibre service Banded?

The cabinet is capable of delivering 80M, your line isn't. The speed from an Huawei cabinet at a given distance will be greater than that from an ECI cabinet at the same distance. The checker is just an estimate, not a tablet of stone. In the first few days you would have had an open profile while DLM decided the best profile for your line which you now have.

If you can tell the difference between 67M and 62M at your device with usage rather than a speed checker you are a better man than me.

You can check cabinet type here 

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