I really hope someone can help me - as BT are a nightmare!
I moved home in June and had a new line installed. All was fine until around 4-6wks ago when my devices couldn’t find a Wi-fi signal.
looking on my devices it showed the router to have a good/excellent signal however the connection to all devices (2 x Alexa echos, sky and iPhone) May connect initially for a few mins then completely drop out.
move had a new router delivered this morning and this hasn’t changed anything.
landline seems to be working fine. BT have said connect TV by cable - which isn’t possible as it’s at different end of house. However even if I did the rest of my devices aren’t working.
please can anyone give advice?
I’ve moved from a stone house to a modern semi so wall thickness is less so it can’t be that.
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follow the link I posted and it explains how to do it
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