Message 1 of 10

No broadband for a week

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My broadband went down Tuesday morning at 8.30am (Nottingham NG5) and after nearly a full day of phone calls reboot router etc. was told  that it would not be fixed until at least wednesday next week because of an  outage.  I am having to tether my phone to everything which is eating my data yet no offer of compensation and not even an explanation of why. If I look online all sites say “there are no problems with bt internet”. 
To say that I am not impressed with the service is an understatement and hopefully I will be able to leave without penalty. 


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Message 2 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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Faults do happen it's a matter of fact & they'll be doing there best to fix it asap. Re the compensation have a look at this, it should be automatic - Automatic Compensation | BT Help

Also you won't be able to leave penalty free just because there's a fault & depending on where it is it's likely any provider on the openreach network would have the same issues

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Message 3 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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Strange, there's nothing listed for your area under fibre incidents on the Openreach website.

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Message 4 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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Hi. This is the thing that is making me want to leave. I have only had fttp for since the end of July. I have just checked on the track my fault that they texted me and now it is saying Thursday next week. I appreciate that faults occur but in when you are not kept informed or even find out why there is a fault and are left with no explanation then I think in this day and age it is totally unacceptable. 

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Message 5 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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As Openreach haven't anything listed for your area I can only assume it is a fault on your line only. Is the LOS light lit on the ONT?

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Message 6 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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Yes the red light is on showing no connection. The  thing Is after spending almost a day of the usual reboot the router/reset the router/give it a couple of hours etc I finally get told that there is an outage and it would take 2 days which them gets moved to 7 days and now shows 9 days (next Thursday). I could possibly accept this somewhat reluctantly if there was some kind of communication or explanation but there has been nothing. As you can imagine trying to run everything from a tethered phone with only 10gb allowance is not going to be easy. 

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Message 7 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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Further to the above I went to live chat and after going through everything was told that I had to contact the dedicated fttp line? which of course is now not open until Tuesday. In the mean time after a bit of googling I reset the ONT and then the router. The ONT  is now showing from left to right. Power On - Green. LOS - Red. Pon - No light. LAN - Green

The router is no longer showing red and is now a solid orange. Does this mean that the router is faulty? If so what would it be best to replace it with. After some research the Aus RTAX88U seems to come out well.

All help very much appreciated.



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Message 8 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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No, it means the fibre to your house has no signal. LOS = Loss of Signal

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Message 9 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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Your ‘connection’ is part of a 32 way splitter ( although it doesn’t necessarily follow that all 32 are in use ), so if the splitter or network to the splitter had failed, chances are OR would have many faults ( up to 32 reports )  in the same area ( although what constitutes a major fault worthy of publishing nationally is unknown ) , so it could be it’s just your individual feed that’s failed, that could be the ONT itself or the fibre from the splitter to your home.
Is your property a new build and only has FTTP rather than an area that has FTTP overlaid onto an existing copper network ?, if so , ask  a few immediate neighbours if their service is OK, if it is , the chances are they are off the same splitter as you , therefore there is no network outage as such, just your individual service not working, and that problem could be anywhere from the splitter output to  your ONT

FWIW, if you were allowed to leave BT penalty free, there still would be a fault on Openreach’s network that needs fixing.

Message 10 of 10

Re: No broadband for a week

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many thanks for all the replies. The fibre was only installed at the end of July and nobody else on the street has taken it up yet. When I was on FTTC I had no problems. A s I have said I can accept faults happen but the total lack of communication and the fact they just keep moving the date without informing me shows a total lack of customer service. All I can do now is wait. 

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