Message 1 of 10

Noise on line

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Hi all,

We have had noise on the line for some time. I ran the diagnostics and got to the point where i had to take the face plate off Master Socket, the noise vanished but I was still using my internal wiring. Replaced the face plate, noise back again. How do I go about reporting the problem as it is in their equipment.



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Message 2 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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if you took off faceplate and connected to test socket you automatically disconnect your internal wiring  it sounds like a problem with internal wiring and if so that is you problem and will be charged for engineer visit

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Message 3 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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"the noise vanished but I was still using my internal wiring."

I connected the internal lead to the test socket, so that rules out the internal wiring
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Message 4 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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Sorry but I don't understand 

If you remove the master faceplate and then connect to test socket then you remove all your internal extension phone sockets from causing a problem and if the noise ceases then andreappears when faceplate reconnected then problem is with your internal phone wiring  

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Message 5 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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Yep, you lost me too. Was it noisy if you plugged a known working corded phone into the test point of your main socket? 

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Message 6 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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Not noisy if plugged directly into test socket, still not noisy if plugged into extension lead which is then plugged into test socket.
Noisy if plugged into face plate, still noisy if plugged into extension lead which is then plugged into face plate.



Worked for a few years back when it was GPO telephones, it was a good while ago and a lot has changed, there were still a few manual exchanges area covered by our team, all the automatic exchanges were Strowger switching units

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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Unless I'm missing something glaringly obvious,  you've got a dodgy faceplate,  by the sound of it.    I don't know whether or not it's possible to replace just the faceplace  ( others on here will )  or whether you need to replace the whole socket;    if it's only the faceplate that's the problem rather than the master socket or anything else external,  I'm not sure whether BT would send you a replacement faceplate or whether they'd want to send out an engineer to replace the whole socket.    As I say,  others on here will have more in-depth knowledge on this.

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Message 8 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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Sounds like you have a Plug In Extension Cord, what a lot of Openreach Engineers call, ‘A Tesco Special’.

Is there anything actually wired into the faceplate if it’s an NTE5a or into the front part of the back plate of the NTE if it’s a 5c? 

If not then it’s possibly is the front plate that’s faulty, may have oxidisation or something on it causing the noise.

I don’t think BT can post face plates, chances are they’ll send a Qube Bloke to replace it. Should be a simple job but from experience I find those Qube guys would probably forget their own name if their mother hadn’t sown it into their underwear for them so good luck.

Message 9 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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It says on the back plate Master Socket 5C and on the front plate OPENREACH MK4. I have seen some for sale on Amazon and eBay. I'll leave it in the test socket for a few days to see what happens and if still okay get a new master socket and replace the face plate.
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Message 10 of 10

Re: Noise on line

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Ah right, it’s a MK4 SSFP. Come across a few of them that have caused noisy lines.

If you can get a replacement online is I’d do that then.