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Message 1 of 15

Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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I have FTTC and BT Halo1 - I signed up for this 3 years ago when we moved houses as I run my business from home and wanted a guaranteed performant service.

The service I am supposed to get is:

Normal available speeds
Your normal available download speed will be between 52-73 Mbps
Your normal available upload speed will be between 16-18 Mbps
Minimum guaranteed download speed
Your minimum guaranteed download speed will be 46 Mbps
Your Stay Fast Guarantee
You'll get £20 back if you don’t get the speeds we promise you.
All was well until February this year, when the service started to drop and now download speeds vary between 29Mb/s and 40Mb/s, with an upload speed of around 7Mb/s.
I have now raised at least 4 tickets with BT - the first time, an engineer came out to the house, ascertained that there was no fault in the property, understood that the IP Profile on my account was set to 32Mb/s, raised a request for it to be lifted and left.
Each subsequent time, BT have raised a ticket, waited 24 hours and then sent me an email saying that the problem should be solved and to contact you  if it is not.....(have you tried to get through to yourselves by telephone and actually speak to a technician, by the way?????) I have kept making contact and raising another ticket but exactly the same thing occurs each time...
Finally I "lost it" on Tuesday, contacted your Customer Support desk and raised a formal complaint - I was promised a technician visit yesterday (never came - I can see my nearest telegraph pole from my office window!) and this morning, another email saying it should be fixed.
The current situation is that the IP Profile on the line is set to 42.5Mb/s (I am NEVER going to get my guaranteed minimum with that in place!!!) and the service is no better than yesterday.
I am getting very frustrated that I am paying for a service which is not being delivered and nobody, as yet, has contacted me to talk about my official complaint, or indeed sort out the £20/month refund on the service promised in the contract.
I would move providers, but since the circuit to my house will remain the same, unless Openreach can find/repair the fault, nothing would change (although I would be getting the service for half the price, if I went to EE or Vodfaone!!)
The Technical Log reads as follows (I know this will be the first question!!):
Product code:Smart Hub 2

Serial number:+091298+2012006503
Firmware version:v0.17.01.12312-BT
Firmware updated:Fri Jun 19 01:00:04 2020
Board version:R01
GUI version:1.56 15_02_2019
DSL uptime:2 days,22 Hours24 Mins58 Secs
Data rate:7.307 Mbps / 44 Mbps
Maximum data rate:7.303 Mbps / 59.744 Mbps
Noise margin:6.2 / 10.1
Line attenuation:7.3 / 14.9
Signal attenuation:7.3 / 16.5
VLAN id:101
Upstream error control:Off
Downstream error control:Off
Data sent / received:1.1 GB Uploaded / 12.9 GB Downloaded
BT Wi-fi:Activated
2.4 GHz wireless network name:BT-XXXXXXX
2.4 GHz wireless channel:Smart (Channel1)
GHz wireless network name:BT-XXXXXXX
5 GHz wireless channel:Smart (Channel36)
Wireless security:WPA2 (Recommended)
Wireless mode:Mode 1
Software variant:-
Boot loader:0.1.7-BT (Thu Nov 30 09:45:22 2017)

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Message 2 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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Basic Performance Test -
Time Stamp Latency Download Upload
Thursday 25 June 2020 | 7:32:55 16 Ms 39.73 Mbps 6.82 Mbps
Advanced Performance Test -
Download Test
Download speed achieved during the test was 39.73 Mbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 40-42.54 Mbps
Your DSL Connection Rate: 0 Mbps(DOWN-STREAM),0 Mbps(UP-STREAM)
For your connection, the maximum achievable download speed is 42.54 Mbps
IP Profile for your line is 42.54 Mbps
Upload Test
Upload speed achieved during the test was 6.82 Mbps
For your connection, the maximum achievable upload speed is 20 Mbps
IP Profile for your line is 20 Mbps

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Message 3 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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@NickBuckley wrote:


I have FTTC and BT Halo1 - I signed up for this 3 years ago when we moved houses as I run my business from home and wanted a guaranteed performant service.


I assume you are a BT Business customer, as service is not guaranteed  on a residential connection, only a business one, with TotalCare.

Try the BT Business forum.

This is only a residential customer to customer help forum.


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Message 4 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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No - I am a residential customer with an office at home.

I draw your attention to my previous post - from my BT contract:
Minimum guaranteed download speed
Your minimum guaranteed download speed will be 46 Mbps
Your Stay Fast Guarantee
You'll get £20 back if you don’t get the speeds we promise you.

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Message 5 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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This is only a customer to customer help forum, and there are no BT employees here, apart from the moderators. Have you raised the issue with BT?


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Message 6 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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I know the BT notification talks about download speed but no ISP guarantees download speed.  'Download speed' is clarified in the T&C and actually means connection speed.  this has been covered before and I think search will bring up old posts

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Message 7 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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OK - understood......yes, I have raised 5 tickets with them and they keep closing them down without actually fixing the fault!
Maybe the formal compaint will stir up some action!

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Message 8 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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I understand that, but I am supposed to get a rebate on my payment if the connection speed falls below 48Mb/s and it's not happening.

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Message 9 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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if you have checked for line noise and it is nothing in your home causing the problem then phone 151 and get engineer

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Message 10 of 15

Re: Not Getting Guaranteed Minimum Speed

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what have you tried yourself?  quiet line test?  move connection to test socket?

your connection time is only 2 days is that due to router dropping connection or  manual reset?

with the lower speed and higher than normal noise margin suggesting there has been or still is connection problems

enter your phone number and post results  remember delete number but leave exchange and cab

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