Message 1 of 2

Now TV through BT

Hello, BT recently signed my elderly father up to a now tv package and told him he could use it on 6 devices. It automatically appeared logged in on his tv that’s connected to the bt hub with a username chosen for him. I want to add it to the tv he uses daily and his iPad and have followed all steps in the emails sent but now tv keeps saying username or password not recognised when I try to use these to log in. It was created using an old btinternet email address which he doesn’t have and bt won’t change this. Anyone know how I can fix this problem? Tried speaking to bt customer service but getting nowhere

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Now TV through BT

Hi @Lee6  welcome to the forum and sorry you could not get this resolved when you called in. I've sent you a Private Message with details on how to contact the Mod team and we'll be happy to help you with this.



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