Message 1 of 7

Packet loss

All this week I have been suffering from really bad connectivity when it comes to online gaming. Its definitely out of the oridinary to be suffering like I am because of how consistent it has now become. 

Ive noticed that on my traceroutes that one hop is suffering from packetloss of nearly 70% and I get spikes on

Do we have any ideas or suggestions for me to try because this does seem far from my normal connectivity that I am used to getting with BT. So much so, I have to debate as to whether I may need to go else where.


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Message 2 of 7

Re: Packet loss

Unless you are getting packet loss at the final destination, any intermediate hop packet loss is meaningless, it just means the server is too busy to deal with ping requests.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Packet loss

Hey matey, 

final appears to be fine but in-game connection monitor is going crazy with icon ping/jitter and lag indications.  
Fifa and pubg are indicating the same issue which is not normal for me. 

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Packet loss

Hey matey

"First, it's really important to understand that the only hop that matters is the final destination. If the final hop (your target) is showing 0% packet loss and acceptable latency, then all the hops before that can show all kinds of errors and it doesn't matter. As long as the final destination isn't affected, then all other latency and packet loss is an artifact of router configuration (or similar), and there is no problem."


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Message 5 of 7

Re: Packet loss

Seen this already but, its an interesting read. 

One thing I can confirm though  is that for 7 days ive experienced lag/jitter whilst playing online. WTFast shows me that im experiencing these issues as well as in-game analytics. 

Surely, dropped packets affect the game though?

Ive noticed that people on the community have switched to super stable on there connections, is this something that is still possible?

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Packet loss

Packets are not being dropped. How can they miraculously re-appear at the final destination if they have been dropped en-route?

Message 7 of 7

Re: Packet loss

Black majik?  who knows mate, who knows.

Ok so, no packets are lost yet , pubg, fifa and wtfast all display a drop in them and lag. So what can I do to  remedy this? Something has happened from  two weeks ago to  now for  horrid gameplay to  randomly appear. I could make do if it was inconsistent but, its now every single time, no matter what time of day. Both PC and laptop whilst using the home hub and rt ac88u.

Would this super stable malarkey be an option  ?

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