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Parental controls - a bit more information please


Parental controls on seem a bit broken - yesterday I had to tackle multiple problems:

1) (and xbox live) were blocked on 'Light' 

2) sometimes websites were blocked because of 'homework' even after I had removed all times, reset them, changed them to 2am-3am

3) Twitter was blocked (easily overcome with an exception but I had not blocked "social media")

4) Tiktok was blocked - I found this out whilst struggling to enable xbox


Sometimes a website will give you a blue screen saying why it is blocked and allowing you to override 'enable access' but sometimes it gives you the 'SSL certificate error' which is harder to overcome... I understand this may be a technical reason to prevent using a different DNS but an explanation would be good.

Sometimes changes are instance (add a website that is never blocked) and sometimes they take an unknown time (turning parental controls off, for instance, or changing 'customised' filter to 'light').

I found the best solution to enabling xbox live was to 'disable parental controls for 1 hour' and then switch parental controls off, and just hoped they actually ended before the hour was up. 

I now want to switch them on again but with less problems, and I think I am not alone here. I cannot see how twitter should be blocked if I allow 'social media', nor xbox if I allow 'gaming'. 


Ideally I'd be able to override the DNS on the smarthub, without a second DHCP router, so I can use a non-BT parental controls system. 

If the community here can help that's great but I'm aiming this at BT to explain.

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