Message 11 of 16

Re: Paying for Norton

@JD486 of course they are included, as has been explained several times on the thread.

@MP99 it does

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Message 12 of 16

Re: Paying for Norton


ps. This is BRITISH telecom so we use British spellings. Licences not licenses. 

It's not been British Telecom since the 2nd April 1991 when the trading name was changed to just BT.
If my grammar and punctuation offends you, I apologise and will leave you to find the answers for yourself, I have since edited my reply, have a lovely weekend.

Message 13 of 16

Re: Paying for Norton

@JD486 wrote:

OK I'll try again

I have halo so I have 15 licences.

My original question " Is it included in my BT bill or will it cost me and extra £4.18 a month?"

That is what I asked. I still don't know.

ps. This is BRITISH telecom so we use British spellings. Licences not licenses. 


BRITISH telecom (should that not have a capital T).

 British Telecom was rebranded in the early 90's to BT so this is not British Telecom it is a BT forum.

You first asked this question on 5th January this year. Have you not had a bill during that time that you could have checked to see if you are paying or not!

Message 14 of 16

Re: Paying for Norton

I asked this 6 months ago when I first got fibre bb.

It has popped up again tonight out of the blue.

Yes I have had bills but it doesn't say which bit is for Norton. 

The trouble with this forum is that the experts know the answers and are answering questions from that perspective. 

If you read the questions from the perspective of somewhere who doesn't know the answer, it is different. 

I don't care how many licences I have, I don't care if British Telecom changed their trading name to just BT for short in 1991 to save ink of letters, I still haven't had my question answered.

Don't bother responding.  I'm out of here. 

0 Ratings
Message 15 of 16

Re: Paying for Norton

@JD486 wrote:


Don't bother responding.  I'm out of here. 

I won't, bye.

p.s You never answered about the missing capital T so guess it's only other peoples spelling errors that you care about.

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Message 16 of 16

Re: Paying for Norton

Which part of 'free licences' in message 4 on the 5th January was it that you didn't understand?

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