Message 1 of 31

Port Forwarding

Hi, I have a LuxHome CCTV System and it work fine relaying to my phone then about two years ago it stopped working on WAN wide area network now only works on LAN local area network. I have reset and reboot it with no luck. 

I now believe I have to create a Port Forwarding to allow the internet to communicate with the cameras.

I have created a Port Forwarding on the BT Smart Hub but not sure of the settings ie External Ports, Start and End, Internal Ports, Start and End numbers and if it is TCP or UDP Protocol ?

Anybody with any advice would be grateful

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Message 2 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

You will need to refer to your camera documentation as to which port(s) it uses. Once you have that information, the internal and external port(s) will be the same. If only one port, start and end will be the same number. If more than one contiguous ports, then first will be the lowest number, last the highest number. If non-contiguous, create a rule for each port. Select TCP and UDP.

You will also need to use a Dynamic DNS service such as NoIP to track your public IP address which will be dynamic.

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Message 3 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

Hi thanks for you quick reply, in the BT set up it refers to 80 as a default Start and End for External and Internal Ports I tried these numbers Start 80 and End 80 but it does not seem to allow the traffic through.

Is there a particular number I have to enter? I can't see any specific port number on the camera instruction?

Thanks again, Ray 

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Message 4 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

Port 80 is a standard port for HTTP, i.e a web browser.

Do you use a web browser to view the camera within your LAN or a dedicated app?

Different applications use different ports, there are a number of common ones but you need to know which port(s) your camera uses.

Which exact make and model camera is it, somebody might have the same camera and know which port it uses.

When you try to access the camera using your public IP address, do it via 4G rather than your hub wifi as not all hubs support NAT loopback.

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Message 5 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

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Message 6 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

Hi thank you for your time, the CCTV system is a LuxHome  LHK110EK 4 camera system wireless to a monitor in our living room which we can view and it then relayed to my phone on a dedicated app.

As I say it worked fine for about 3 years then it won't connect to my phone via WAN only LAN.

I looked at BT help and I managed to find the system to open up a port hole on the BT router and thought I had succeeded but it still dose not connect externally? 

I'll try again

Cheers Ray

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Message 7 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

Are you using a free DDNS service provided by the camera manufacturer? these are often limited to a number of years and then stop working. You may need to sign up for a free DDNS service from (e.g) No-IP

Message 8 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

Hi Les thank you for your reply, when I installed the system it worked well for about three years so as you say the company must have changed or disable the connection.

I would be grateful if you could give some more advice about DDNS services and No-IP as I am a novias and I seem to be getting into deep water.

You may be able to see the system I have on Amazon

Luxhome LHK110EK

Cheers Ray

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Message 9 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

No probs.

You can sign up for a ddns service at www.noip.com and several other ddns providers.

Most of them will allow you to sign up for a free account but they will remind you to confirm that you still require the service every 30 days in order to avoid tying up their resources on unused services. Alternatively they also provide a paid for service which you don't have to confirm every 30 days.

Have a good read of the website and the help files on there to ensure you understand how to complete the form whichever service you choose

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Message 10 of 31

Re: Port Forwarding

@rayhewitt wrote:


I looked at BT help and I managed to find the system to open up a port hole on the BT router and thought I had succeeded but it still dose not connect externally? 


You can't just open/port forward any random port, it needs to be the port that the system is expecting a connection on.

Think of it like this. Your public IP address is the dialling code, the local IP address of the device is the phone number of the switchboard and the port is the extension number.

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