yep, over 37 days after disabling it, and it is still on - they are DENYING hotspots to be turned off, 14th Nov i asked and did it, now it's the 18th December and it's still on, disabling wifi completely - STILL ON!
have a bug in their core systems
either way, BT needs to sort it out! - this should be brought to their attention, so I am writing a letter to the BT CONNECTION dept. to see what the hell is going on.
rep 1: don't know but I'll ask: came back with 7 days
rep2: never ever heard of a hotspot!!
rep3: don't know but ill ask: comes back with 28 days
rep 4: 31 days
these are BT Trained STAFF - when I worked as a CSA at Sky we were given 6 weeks broadband and TV training and everyone got problems resolved... I was already genned up on the 2 week xDSL course so sat through it.
my zYxell VMG8924-B10A router will just go in its place if they keep it up, as the wi-fi is on SH2 is very poor, yet BT state that they tested the SH2 against all other "ISP ROUTERS" and reckons theirs was the fastest - bull
Apart from that everything is great, but always are early days and its 24 months contract! wait until all my neighbours get FTTP then I'll be hit hard
The hotspot enable/disable requires a parameter change to be made to the home hub config. This is sent via TR-069 from BTs ACS server. That is assuming that it has the serial number of your hub, which may not be the case.
Bear in mind, that a factory reset will undo any change, and will result in the home hub transmitting BT WIFI again.
To be 100% certain not to transmit BT Wi-Fi, you have to use a third party router, provided you do not have BT Digital Voice.