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Message 1 of 17

Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL



I've been struggling on ADSL for the  last few years, my connection isn't too bad for download but as soon as you try and upload something it swamps the line and the download rate is then non-existent. I asked for my EO line to be connected to the cabinet 300m away, it pretty rural and it's obvious where the cabinets are. I did get connected to a cabinet but its over 2km away and next to the exchange. This means if I "Upgrade" to fibre i won't be getting any better service for the extra cost. The speed estimate for both is almost identical. I'm guessing BT & Openreach will just tick the box that says i can get fibre now and move on regardless of the actual quality of the service they're offering.

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Message 2 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL

You can't just move one line from one cabinet to another. The cable that your line is in probably goes nowhere near the other cabinet.

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Message 3 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL


The cabinet was only installed a few years ago and all the lines were supposed to be reconnected to it as part of the fibre rollout. Previously to this as there were no cabinets in the area i assume all the lines went straight to the exchange. It seems  my line was missed out for some reason, although open reach and BT thought it was done and mis-sold me fibre initially which they then couldn't deliver. The overhead cabling for the cabinet goes past my property and the cabinet probably only serves 10 properties. Its just a poor excuse to say "it can't be done" when clearly it is possible and would just take someone with a bit of initiative to determine the correct solution.  They moved my line from the exchange to the other cabinet just without actually evaluating through the outcome.

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Message 4 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL

Its not 'a poor excuse' it is the physical impossibility of routing one pair of wires in a cable to a different location to the others. It is totally dependent on how your circuit is routed.

It is possible the cabinet was provided as an infill scheme and your line does in fact connect to the distant cabinet via the closer cabinet and for some reason the records weren't updated. If you enter the phone numbers of your neighbours (or address if you don't know their number) in the checker you will be able to see if they are connected to the same cabinet.


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Message 5 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL

It is clearly not physically impossible to reroute a wire , it just may be more trouble than openreach are willing to bother with. There is no incentive to fix a single legacy connection when the push is for ultra fast connections in highly populated areas, which pushes up the national average speeds.  I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that this won't get resolved, I just don't like being palmed off with inadequate solutions and then being told my complaint has been resolved. I checked the other lines and they are all connected to the closer cabinet with speeds between 60 - 80. 

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Message 6 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL

run the checker for you and neighbours and post results  lets see if any differences


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Message 7 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL


The difference is that when the cabinet was installed their lines were connected to it. This is confirmed by the checker. My line wasn't connect at the time though for some inexplicable reason - which is the crux of the complaint. I recently asked to be moved from an EO line to the nearby cabinet and instead got connected to the one +2km away, obviously outside the exchange. So i don't expect openreach will fix this initial mistake in their upgrade or offer any explanation as to why it occurred.


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Message 8 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL

Why post on the forum if you don't want assistance?


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Message 9 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL

I was hoping that I was wrong and that I might find, helpful advice and possible solutions I hadn't considered. A more can do attitude than "it's impossible". Possibly agreement that openreach make mistakes then fail to resolve them and that there are many people in similar situation being told to accept inferior service as offered.

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Message 10 of 17

Re: Requested FTTC But Speed Estimate Lower than Current ADSL

If you answer the questions asked further advice can be forthcoming. Without knowing the facts we can't help.

As I posted previously, it is possible that it is just a database error and you are in fact connected to the further cabinet via the closer cabinet, but without knowing exactly how your line and your neighbour's lines are fed we don't know. You can try raising an ORDI (openreach data integrity) request with BT to see if it is a databse discrepancy.

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