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Message 71 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

All live channels are content protection enabled, so the assumption is that they'd all be affected by this issue.
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Message 72 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

All 5 live channels are working fine for me @ 16:00hrs here's hoping that the fault has been fixed

0 Ratings
Message 73 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

Hi Rob221/Darren

Is there a difference between content being broadcast on one of the "live" channels and an actual live game?

Will check tonight when I get home and I hope you are right.....!

0 Ratings
Message 74 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

Shouldn't make any difference whether the actual content is live or not - just as long as you're watching any channel rather than any replay or clip/highlight.
0 Ratings
Message 75 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

Hi Darren...

Just tried BT Sport live channels 1-3 and im afraid to say in my case its still freezing. And from what you say this is permanent. I now have a small window to get this sorted before the new football season or BT sport is no good to me and i would have to switch to another provider for my content. I am happy for Samsung to use my TV as a guinea pig....please let me know how we can arrange this.....

0 Ratings
Message 76 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

As mentioned above @RobSewards just send me a DM with your device serial number and contact telephone number and I'll pass it on to Samsung.
0 Ratings
Message 77 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

DM sent

Let's see what happens....


0 Ratings
Message 78 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

I was unable to watch the CL Final on Saturday on my Samsung TV via BT Sport app on NowTV box but after seeing there were a number of new posts on this thread today decided to give it one more try. To my surprise I am able to view all live channels again without any sign of the recent scrambling issue. Somebody’s done something at your end, thank you...

0 Ratings
Message 79 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

I clearly spoke too soon, the same fault has returned to the live channels. its what i expected from BT. Incidentally I'm still waiting for the call back from BT support from weeks ago. BT has the worst customer support ive ever had the misfortune to experience ‌😕
0 Ratings
Message 80 of 205

Re: Samsung tv app freezing

To be fair @Rob221 I did say that I expected the fault to come back - nothing had been done to fix it, as the investigation was entirely relying on your experience and Samsung's contact with you. The fact that everything started working again meant that all investigating stopped and the fault was assumed (by Samsung) to be gone. I can only assume that when you said everything was still working for you on Tuesday, the app on your TV had failed to pick up the new config yet, so hadn't re-enabled the content protection.

I can't comment on why you haven't received another callback.  The fault you raised last month was closed when you spoke to them on May 5th - I'm not sure why that team would arrange another callback for a closed fault?

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