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Message 141 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

Same problem here. Samsung 2016/17 TV.


App was fine last season, but since the summer audio has been out of sync on live matches.


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Message 142 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

This is frustrating. Temp fix.  Watched today’s  rugby match using the BT Sport app on an iPad and cast to an Apple box connected to my 2016 Samsung. All fine. 

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Message 143 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay


I have this issue on my Samsung tv, and was hoping it would resolve itself with an update, but this has been going on for a while now.  Is there any news as to when this will be resolved.

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Message 144 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

Latest update from Samsung is they've acknowledged that the player in 2016 TVs is flawed and they had already improved it for the 2017 models. There's a race condition related to network speed that causes the player to glitch and loop back to the start.

They're currently looking at 2 options:

1. Improve the player on 2016 models. They have warned that this could take a VERY long time though.

2. Anything we can do in our app or to our content to reduce the likelihood of triggering the race condition.

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Message 145 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

Many thanks Darren

Now you know what it is, maybe we'll get a solution soon
0 Ratings
Message 146 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

Hi, I have exactly the same problem with just the BT sport app on my Samsung 2016 tv too and have been going round in circles trying to find a fix. Really great to hear this is being worked on, is there an update on when this might be resolved? Like others I’m wondering whether to cx BT sport until fixed as it’s really not watchable, or wait it out if it looks like it could be resolved soon?

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Message 147 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

Interesting- just put the football on and when the sound jumped back 30s, so did the picture.


Obviously a slight delay to 'live' but it's now watchable... wonder if this is fixed or just a one off

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Message 148 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

Sadly my sound is still about a minute behind right now so I have to watch it on mute, but if others have been fixed then hopefully mine will soon! I once managed to hack it by watching it on ‘manager mode’ where it completely resolved, but only some games offer this so I’ve not been able to try it again since to see if that was a fluke or a solution 

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Message 149 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

I did have a tv software update notification before hand.... don't want to turn it off to check if its a fluke incase it is!

0 Ratings
Message 150 of 205

Re: BT Sport App on Samsung TV - 30s Audio Delay

Hi @DarrenDev 

I've spoken to Samsung and have registered everything with them as you suggested. I've now signed up as a member of the BT community in order to send you a DM, but this does not work - including when I click the link you gave in your post. Please can you help me with this - I do not appear to have the ability to send a DM.

What I would add for the benefit of others is that, whilst Samsung knew about this issue and were happy to take down my details, they couldn't give any time frame for resolving the issue. I said that I would need to cancel my BT Sport subscription if the problem persists for much longer as it's been ruining my viewing experience for some time now. Obviously, this isn't Samsung's problem.

I'll provide my details to you @DarrenDev by DM as soon as the DM feature is made available to me.


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