Message 1 of 4

Slow FTTP Speed

I recently had FTTP Installed (~5 Weeks) 

While my Download speed has increased from FTTC, it is nowhere near the guaranteed speed, and has never been as high as they say it 'could' be.

On my order I was initially shown a min speed of 550 which was dropped at some point to 455, but suggested that i should get 910.

I haven't seen much of an improvement over the last few weeks, so once the house went to bed at night i switched the Wifi off, and disconnected all but one wired client. 

On the download side i saw anything from around 80 to 400, but averaging out around 200.  on the upload side i have seen anything from <10 to ~200.  I have tested back to back using various websites including BT Wholesales tester all showing roughly similar results. (i have screenshots with dates and times)

All the wired connections are Cat 6a direct from the homehub, i have tried a different router after reading about homehub profile issues last week ... 

I got results the other night in the ~100s on download, but when i jump onto the BT Speedtest/Fault report via the homehub and carried out a speed test (they don't show any details of the test) it just says its above the stay fast guarantee.  
How can 4 or 5 different sites all report speeds 1/4 of what they are meant to be but BT says its all fine?

The previous faults i reported have all been closed with fault resolved, and at no point have i had any contact.
I can understand my first fault being closed out as it was inside the 10 Day windows.  But the second, with no contact, and now the third?

Message 2 of 4

Re: Slow FTTP Speed

Did you read this thread 


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Message 3 of 4

Re: Slow FTTP Speed

I have,

I tried with a different router and still no joy.

Surely with 2 previous faults raised, closed and BT aware of this issue they would have looked at that?

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