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Message 1 of 7

Smart Hub 2 801.11n speeds

My new Smart Hub 2 arrived today. As the change of ISP is not due until next week I can't connect it to my broadband yet, but I powered it up in stand-alone mode to check that it was not DOA. After that I connected my two PCs to it by WiFi (at different times, so that only was connected at any one time) and moved it around a bit to work out the best location for a good signal. So far so good, but....

My existing kit is all 802.11n, but I plan to get (say) AS1200 adaptors in due course to take advantage of the Smart Hub's 'ac' capability. At the moment my existing PCs and router talk at 300/150Mbps, but when running with the SH2 the PCs drop to 144/72Mbps even when the SH2 is put right next to them. Can anyone suggest why that might be please?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Smart Hub 2 801.11n speeds

The broadband change took place today and the Smart Hub 2 is now running on FTTC and seem to be OK so far. Much better speed when using my wired Ethernet PC ! But...still no joy with the WiFi.

I have one WiFi device  only, a laptop which is used on the next floor down - about 20' in a straight line from the router, but with the signal passing through one floor and a thin partition wall - and this has 'N' wifi only.  The signal from the router varies between 3 and 4 bars, speed is only 144/58 - if I put the two devices next to each other it is still only 144/72. Using my old Extender (also 'N' only) gives a consistent 4 bar signal at 144/72.

The old 'N' router and the laptop used to manage 300/145 if placed together, so why not the SH2 ?

I was planning to get a AC1200 adapter for the laptop so as to make use of the 5Ghz band for increased speed, but if the 2.4Ghz signal can only manage 3 bars most of the time, is the 5GHz likely to be even worse? Trouble is, until I've bought an adapter I've got no other 'ac' capable device to use as a test.

Can anyone offer any advice please?  It's so frustrating to have nice fast fibre at last, but still have a bottleneck on the WiFi.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Smart Hub 2 801.11n speeds

@Nemo2000 wrote:

The broadband change took place today and the Smart Hub 2 is now running on FTTC and seem to be OK so far.

It's so frustrating to have nice fast fibre at last, but still have a bottleneck on the WiFi.

If you only have FTTC, wifi speed won't be the bottleneck.

Have you tried different channels?

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Smart Hub 2 801.11n speeds

Yes, tried different channels, also tried running in Mode 2.

Regardless of how fast/slow FTTC might, I'm still puzzled why the new super-duper Smart Hub 2 gives a worse result with the laptop next to it than my old router of about 2014 vintage ?

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Smart Hub 2 801.11n speeds

Hi, reading your thread. I was wondering if my post today (BT Complete Wi Fi) is something along the lines of your scenario.

Please read. Basically my iMac, next to SH2, is connected wireless 5GHz/24Mhz, other devices on hub further away connect on 5Ghz channel but at faster connection speed.

Other devices working off of discs, connected to SH2, connect on 5GHz  frequently but at speeds circa 680mhz-866mhz



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Message 6 of 7

Re: Smart Hub 2 801.11n speeds

How are you measuring the speed ?
Between what and what with what ?
0 Ratings
Message 7 of 7

Re: Smart Hub 2 801.11n speeds

The speed is the connection as read on BT App. Smart hub 2. It states Link rate, which I assume is a connection speed. I am probably wrong with my assumptions.
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