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Message 11 of 16

Re: Smart Hub 2 Manager Port Forwarding is not working

@licquorice: Yes this is possible but as said I have tried with port 8000 with nc this doesn't worked, I highly doubt non standard port for ssh will work but will give it a try.
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Message 12 of 16

Re: Smart Hub 2 Manager Port Forwarding is not working

Yeah, that's why I deleted the post.

I don't know what else to suggest. Port forwarding to a web server works ok for me on port 80.

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Message 13 of 16

Re: Smart Hub 2 Manager Port Forwarding is not working


If your public IP address is still the same, why is port 8085 tcp open?

Final trace goes to 6 32.00 ms

before terminating on your host.

Are you a business user?

These results were provided by NMAP.



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Message 14 of 16

Re: Smart Hub 2 Manager Port Forwarding is not working

@Keith_Beddoe: Yes my IP is same and I can see in Firewall someone tired to scan the ports. I have not opened the port 8085 and reading more it looks like this is open by default by the BT HUB.

So to confirm my port forwarding doen't involve port 8085, I am trying to use port 22 and 8000 by port forwarding and it's not working.

I am not a business user, I am using BT Fiber to Home solution.


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Message 15 of 16

Re: Smart Hub 2 Manager Port Forwarding is not working

I use the publicly available NMAP program to identify issues that are raised here, as its the quickest way to get results. Microsoft portquery is another useful tool. No other ports were shown as open.

I do not use a BT home hub, so I do not know what ports are left open. I do know there are reported issues with the BT hubs, when trying to forward ports, and the usual solution is to do a full factory reset of the home hub, and then setup port forwarding rules again.


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Message 16 of 16

Re: Smart Hub 2 Manager Port Forwarding is not working

It odd the way your routing goes via a specific part of the BT network.

Are you sure the ports are not being blocked by the device connected to the home hub?

OS scan gives this result, although it may not be reliable, it may just be seeing the home hub.

Device type: specialized|general purpose|storage-misc
Running (JUST GUESSING): Crestron 2-Series (87%), Linux 4.X (85%), HP embedded (85%)
OS CPE: cpe:/o:crestron:2_series cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:4.0 cpe:/h:hp:p2000_g3
Aggressive OS guesses: Crestron XPanel control system (87%), Linux 4.0 (85%), HP P2000 G3 NAS device (85%)
No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal).
Uptime guess: 0.043 days (since Fri Oct 01 18:39:23 2021)
Network Distance: 9 hops

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