Message 1 of 5

The Not Fibre Switch

11 letters one new hub and various emails and texts and promise, finally, that the houses in my village that had inexplicably not been connected to the FTTC would be. Each letter predicting dire consequences if I did not plug in the new hub and await switch over. 

So did what I was told and rejigged my network and awaited switchover and...nothing. 

Phoned BT and met with blank incompetence. We can see you have been sent an inordinate number of letters but have no idea why.  We cannot see an order or indeed any details of the switchover.  So then passed to the value team to try and impose some order and nope could not be done. An upgrade was “pending” but no date was given and no order could be placed. 

So nothing resolved nothing offered by way of solution just letters and a new hub and a lot of paper and still houses on super slow broadband.

To say it was hopeless and utterly predictable is to express the usual frustration at the only provider in my area who treats everyone like indentured idiots who they will deal with when it suits them. 

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Message 2 of 5

Re: The Not Fibre Switch

Enter your phone number and post results. Remember delete number


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Message 3 of 5

Re: The Not Fibre Switch

Does not show FTTC.  

Shows FTTP as Available but then at the end of the table says Not Available - go figure. 

All usual ADSL options available 

There is some issue with the line that connects this end of the village and the rest who get FTTC. I foolishly assumed they had fixed it. 

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Message 4 of 5

Re: The Not Fibre Switch

Posting the dslchecker results would be helpful

the checker probably showed FTTPoD as available but that is not the same as having FTTP available as former is for business and expensive

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Message 5 of 5

Re: The Not Fibre Switch

The issue is not so much can I receive FTTC or even FTTP. I can’t. The issue is that BT sent me 11 letters and a new hub informing me I would be getting fibre broadband at the start of July - but nothing happened and what is more BT had no idea why anything had happened and was not happening. 

So I’m stuck in twisted pair DSL limbo one mike from the cabinet in a busy holiday village. So a tad frustrated. 


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