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Message 1 of 3

Upload Speed

Hi team, 

Is there any way to improve my upload speed.  To cut a long story short, my upload speed was previously better to what I get now and has been a fair bit slower since I was disconnected from my port in the cabinet by an engineer to make way for another connection in the cabinet.  I only knew this as the openreach engineer informed me that the detail he had of where i should have been connected was disconnected in the cabinet (He reported the incident to his superiors).   However, the only way to resolve was to create a brand new connection.  My D/L speed was unaffected but my upload has never recovered.

Can anyone advise, it looks like max data rate and data rate are the same.  I didn't think that DMT capped upload, only download.

**Ignore uptime - recently rebooted due to separate non related issue with Hive Hub, however, used the opportunity to ensure no noise on the line at that time.




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Message 2 of 3

Re: Upload Speed

your up speed is right at bottom end of estimated range and at max attainable  even if there was any capping that would not affect the attainable speed so looks like you are getting as good as you can get

I can see you had faster up speed last year but obviously new line not quite as good as previous line

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Upload Speed

Thanks for the answer but not great to hear as I've certainly noticed an impact to my VOIP conference calls where I'm now getting serious lag.

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