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Message 1 of 11

Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

2 months ago I was on a BT Broad band connection giving me circa 35mbps - a fibre line on the road came down and in the period while it was being fixed I changed over to Halo 1. I have a contarct that gives me a guaranted 62mbps download and a minimum upload of 17mbps. Initial;ly for the first few days this was Download 71 and upload 18 all good. we then had a storm and some outage and speeds dropped to 35 and 9. This was resolved partially and now I have Download of 71 but an upload of circa 9.4

The upload is half what I had to start with! I have had 2 engineers out and both have confirmed that on their test to the hub I have 71 and 18 but when I do a test on my PC via ethernet or my phone via WiFi the download is the 71 ish but the upload is 9.4

The engineer today told me I have an 80/20 connection and cannot explain why the upload is only half. I have had another router/hub and it is the same. The engineer says that the exchange have said my connection is perfect and nothing can be done - but how is that I have an upload twice as fast initially and now its half and they say its OK?

Help please, I am not having support when speaking with BT and they do not phone me or respond to my letters.

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Message 2 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

welcome to the BT community forum where customers help customers and only BT employees are the forum mods

in order for the forum members to help please can you post the stats from your router (if hub enter in your browser) and if  HH5 then go to troubleshooting then helpdesk and if HH6/SH2 then advanced settings then technical log information . 

Have you tried the quiet line test? - dial 17070 option 2 - should hear nothing - best done with a corded phone. if cordless phone you may hear a 'dull hum' which is normal

run btspeedtester with ethernet cable and post results

enter your phone number and post results  remember to delete number

Someone may then be able to offer help/assistance/suggestions to your problem

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Message 3 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

Here are the logs 


This is a list of your BT Smart Hub settings and current statistics.

Product name:

BT Hub 6A

Serial number:


Firmware version:


Firmware updated:


Board version:


Gui version:


DSL uptime:

0 Days, 2 Hours 34 Minutes 2 Seconds

Data rate:

20.00 Mbps / 80.00 Mbps

Maximum data rate:

28788 / 94191

Noise margin:

15.5 dB / 9.2 dB

Line attenuation:

11.7 dB

Signal attenuation:

6.6 dB / 11.7 dB





Latency type:

Fast Path

Data sent / received:

147 MB Uploaded / 854 MB Downloaded

Broadband username:

BT Wi-fi:


2.4 GHz wireless network name:



I note that BT Wholesale gives me what I expected the speeds to be but Ookla gives be a slower by half upload and this is the same if I wiFi from my phone - I have tried other speed testers and they are the same half BT Wholesale



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Message 4 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

you have the max connection speed of 80/20mb for fibre 2 and your download speed over ethernet connection is what you would expect from your connection speed

there are no guarantees for download speed and especially using wifi    if connecting wifi are you connecting using 5ghz network not 2.4ghz

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Message 5 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

Thanks - yes I can see the connection speed as you said at 80/20 but why does it drop so much all the time when I connect using my PC with ethernet and also my phone on wifi. The connection speed for upload is half what I orginally got a few weeks ago when I originally upgraded - its as though they gave me a taster and then cut me in half.

Also if you could see the connection the upload flies up to 18/20 then in a split second waivers and drops to circa 9.6 - again as if something is saying whoa stop that and halves it. Its very frustrating.

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Message 6 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

Thought I would add these to show the progression from good to bad to mediocre!

4th August4th August11th August11th August

24th August24th August

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Message 7 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

these are speeds over wifi which are always unreliable hence the big fluctuations

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Message 8 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

The readings from the ethernet connected PC are the same its just I didnt screen grab them. Something is very wrong. I have just come off the phone from BT and the help desk woman there looked at my hub speed and she said she is seeing 71/9.6 !!! exactly what I am seeing - makes you think that the BT Wholesale and BT engineers check is false eh! Now wouldn't that be a thing - fastest broadband because they say so!

So now I will be on my 3rd engineer and second router/hub. I bet they have only connected me to the 80 part of the 80/20 for download but left me on the 10 of my old 40/10 for upload!

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Message 9 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

your stats from the hub clearly show 80/20mb connection speed and the btspeedtester run today also show speeds consistent with your connection speed

is your wifi device connecting on 2.4 or 5ghz network?

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Message 10 of 11

Re: Upload speed problem with Halo 1 since line fault

Looks like 2.4Ghz but that is academic as my PC gets the same readings and that is ethernet also the BT person looking at my Hub saw the low upload as well. What difference would it make if my iphone was on 5Ghz

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