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Message 1 of 2

Upload speed restricted to 50mb after Hub Software Upgrade

Hi There,

I am having the same problem as I had in January where my upload speed is restricted to 50mb. I am unable to complete a Speedtest too with an error saying ‘Sorry, we are unable to test your speed’. I have restarted the hub multiple times and have also done a factory reset on it but nothing has changed. Hub Software was upgraded to v0.27.06.04290-BT on the 16th July, so I suspect the issue started then.

The latest a software upgrade on the Hub also doesn’t appear to play nicely with Sky Q as I regularly see my Sky Q box dropping off the network requiring a reboot of the router, the Sky Q box or me having to re-enter the Wifi details.

Any suggestions?

Thank you, Steve

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Upload speed restricted to 50mb after Hub Software Upgrade

I reset the router again (and turned off Smart Setup). The hub seems to have issues with the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands, only 5 devices connect to the hub directly and the rest of the devices are connecting to the Complete Wi-Fi Discs. Very intermittent Sky Q connection continues.



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