I am gettign very slow upload speeds, less than 1Mb to the hub, especially when compared to my download of over 32Mb. the upload also seems to have deteriorated over time. Last year it was about 4Mb.
I've attached stats - should I be getting much more?
Many thanks
looks really low compared to estimated range
can you post hub stats advanced settings then technical log information
Thanks for looking. Is there anything inparticular you're after? I've posted some bits that might help? It's a new smart hub 2 and all uptodate firmware wise
connection time?
any noise on landline? dial 17070 option 2 should be silent and best with corded phone
what package are you on ? is that same as shown in mybt
Connection time is only 8 hours but that's because I rebooted this morning. We've been with BT for over a month now and plus net before then.
No noise on the landline
We're on the Fibre 1 package