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Watching Live TV

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Should I be able to watch channels included in my subscription in the live TV section of the BT TV app? The only channel which works on the app for me is AMC. Curious to know why the Kids Channels which are included in my sub require a subscription update when you click on them.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Watching Live TV

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Ah...ok....may be able to answer my own question...they all play perfectly in the Now TV app.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Watching Live TV

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I was just about to say "use the NowTV app" 👍

Message 4 of 5

Re: Watching Live TV

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Hi  @SRB 

First well worked out that  you use the NOW app for NOW  content including the kids channels included with the NOW subscriptions.

The Kids area on the  BT TV app  serves two purposes  - first it allows you to rent/buy some content

, secondly it providee the catchup and on demand for the legacy KIDS channels that BT has.

So   content from channels such as Nick Jr. and Nikelodeon on the BT TV app is not  supplied to BT from  NOW but a different supplier so a BT Kids add on would be needed to view it. Or to put it another was BT has channels Nick Jr. and Nickelodeon on older license agreements and  has NOW Nick jr.and NOW Nickelodeon channels which are part of Now Entertainment membership.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Watching Live TV

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Maybe it would be worthwhile adding that info into to the app? If a customer has just joined BTTV they won't be aware those channels had previously been included as part of an older package which is no longer sold, so the information telling you to log on to BT.COM/TV and subscribe to them is incorrect. The channels appear in the EPG guide as normal recordable channels, so while it may be very obvious to anyone who has been on the platform for a while, it really isn't to anyone who has just joined/re-joined it that the "live channels" listed on the BT TV app  aren't included as live channels anymore. A simple "available as part of our Now TV add on" would have saved my Mrs a lot of grief yesterday.

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