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Message 1 of 14

What router comes with BT Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

Hello all

I have just ordered BT Fiber. Can any help me with:

1) What version of the BT hub will come with it?

2) Can this hub be put into bridge / modem only mode? Id like to do this so I can easily connect it to my own ASUS mesh system.

Many thanks in advance!

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Message 2 of 14

Re: What router with Fiber and can I use my own Mesh?

Do you mean full fibre (FTTP) or FTTC?

You will either get Smart hub 1 or 2, neither of which have a modem only mode.

However, if you are getting FTTP, then you will have a separate optical modem(ONT) which you can connect your mesh system to directly without the need of a BT hub.

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Message 3 of 14

Re: What router with Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

Thanks for the quick reply. 

How will I know whether its to the cabinet or to my house? They have estimated speeds of 100mb if that helps. 

To add to that, I’ve just moved in to a new house, which has a GFast socket. Does that mean my property is ready for FTTP, and only needs the modem plugged into it?

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Message 4 of 14

Re: What router with Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

Is it full fibre you have ordered and are you expecting an engineer visit?

If you put your address in the checker and post a screenshot of the result we can probably see if it is FTTP or G.Fast you will be getting. Edit out your address before posting.


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Message 5 of 14

Re: What router with Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

They weren’t totally sure if an engineer is required. Still waiting to find out. 

Any provider including BT could not give me an online quote once I had entered my address. 

When I called up the only BT services available were 100 or 250mb fibre. 

I’ve completed the form, though none of it makes much sense to me, hopefully you can translate!? I think this means its a GFast service. What does that mean, how does it compare to FTTP and do you know what installation will be required by an engineer? 


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Message 6 of 14

Re: What router with Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

Yes it is G.Fast which is delivered by copper from the cabinet rather than fibre directly to the house. You might need a new master socket.

Your options are now very limited.

G.Fast modems are rare, the Draytek Vigor 166 being about the only option. You can use your hub in conjunction with the Asus mesh, but it doesn't have a bridge mode so your choice is to either just use the Asus for wifi or turn off DHCP and wifi on the hub and use the Asus as a router but that will mean you are double natting. Depending if you are into gaming or not that may or may not be a problem.

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Message 7 of 14

Re: What router with Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

Thanks that’s really helpful.

Coming from a virgin system, I have the following kit:

I also have a DrayTek 130 modem, which I am about to send back after it arrived this morning, I spent hours and failed to get it working with the above due to Sky not permitting Bridged routers and the workarounds didn’t work. Hence why I ordered BT fibre this evening (previously was told I couldn’t get fibre until today). 

I don’t game, but two of us online in meetings all day and I work for a tech startup (though I am a non techy on the business side and all of this is very new to me!) so I very strong connection is a must. 

Any thoughts on the best way to set this up? 

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Message 8 of 14

Re: What router with Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

If you are happy with the Asus set up and just need a modem, I would get a Draytek 166 to replace the 130 rather than bodge the hub.

The Asus supports PPPoE, you just need to enter the generic credentials of username and password BT.

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Message 9 of 14

Re: What router with Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

Excellent, will do. 

So to setup, is this process correct:

1.Put draytek in Bridge mode, leave all other settings as is

2. Connect draytek to Gfast socket and my ASUS router via cat cable

3. On the ASUS router Enter the BT credentials of username and password BT. 

4. Setup Mesh as per ASUS instructions 

is that correct? If so, on point 3, what type of credentials are these, where on the ASUS router will these need to be entered what’s the typical name/section for these? 


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Message 10 of 14

Re: What router with Fibre and can I use my own Mesh?

Yes, that's correct.  They are the PPPoE credentials you will be asked to enter as part of the setup process. If a VLAN id setting is required, the value should be 101.

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