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Whole Home connection from Samsung Galaxy A90

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I have BT Whole Home with four disks. My previous phone was a Samsung Galaxy A70, and I was easily able to set it up so that it seamlessly reconnected to wi-fi as I passed around the house from the area controlled by one disk to another.

My new Galaxy A90, however, won't do this, whatever settings I use - as I move from area to area it either pings and pops up to tell me that it has signed on to the network (which I can sort of live with), or prompts me to sign in (which I can certainly not live with!).

My A70 never displayed (and still doesn't) this behaviour, moving seamlessly from one disk's area to another. 
Is there a way of configuring the system so that the A90 recognises the network as being one instead of four? The network (BTWhole-Home-3HN) is the one that all other devices in the house - and everybody else's devices when they visit - connect to with no problem at all, and I'm wondering whether the A90 as a specific model has problems with a mesh system. 

In case more detail is helpful in diagnosis, here is some:

I have deselected as many options as I can on the A90, but the behaviour persists - I have Wi-Fi and Auto Reconnect switched on, and also Turn on Wi-Fi automatically and Hotspot 2.0 ("Automatically Connect to Hotspot 2.0 Wi-fi networks"), but the following are off: Phone visibility, NFC and payment, Flight Mode, Advanced Calling and Messaging, Nearby device scanning.

I also switched off 'Switch to Mobile Data'. The reason for this is as follows: when I moved through the house - if this option was switched on - the instant another disk picks up the signal, the phone would switch to 4G, and almost immediately prompt me to sign in to the wi-fi network.

Incidentally, for the purposes of diagnosing the cause of the A90's behaviour, I had also switched off the wi-fi on the A70, just in case that had a bearing on the problem.

I'd very much value anybody's guidance in this matter.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Whole Home connection from Samsung Galaxy A90

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Hi @GarethGlyn, welcome back and sorry you didn't get any replies to your query. It would be best to contact the WHW product helpdesk and they'll be able to help. You can call on: 0808 100 6116 (Mon to Fri 9am to 5.30pm and  Sat 9am to 2pm) or drop them an email to:



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Message 3 of 3

Re: Whole Home connection from Samsung Galaxy A90

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Thanks - will do. Gareth
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